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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Aug 17.
Published in final edited form as: Mol Cell. 2023 Aug 17;83(16):3010–3026.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2023.07.017

Key resources table

Mouse monoclonal anti-SRPK2 BD Biosciences Cat#BD611118; RRID: AB_398429
Rabbit polyclonal anti-ACLY Cell Signaling Technology Cat#4332; RRID: AB_2223744
Rabbit monoclonal anti-FASN Cell Signaling Technology Cat#3180; RRID: AB_2100796
Mouse monoclonal anti-S6 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#2317; RRID: AB_2238583
Rabbit monoclonal anti-pS6(S240/S244) Cell Signaling Technology Cat#5364; RRID: AB_10694233
Rabbit polyclonal anti-SCD1 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#2438; RRID: AB_823634
Rabbit polyclonal anti-CHREBP Novus Cat# NB400-135;RRID:AB_10002435
Rabbit polyclonal anti-FAM120A GeneTex Cat#GTX120824; RRID:AB_10723014
Rabbit polyclonal anti-FAM120A Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# A303-889A; RRID:AB_2620239)
Rabbit polyclonal anti-LXR alpha Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#PA1-330;RRID:AB_325600
Mouse monoclonal anti-SREBP2 BD Biosciences Cat#557037; RRID:AB_396560
Rabbit polyclonal anti-LXR beta Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#PA1-333;RRID:AB_2154770
Rabbit polyclonal anti-PPAR alpha Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#PA1-822A; RRID:AB_2165595
Rabbit polyclonal anti-PPAR gamma Abcam Cat#ab209350; RRID:AB_2890099
Rabbit monoclonal anti-p300 Cell Signaling Technology Cat#54062; RRID:AB_2799450
Rabbit monoclonal anti-XBP-1s Cell Signaling Technology Cat#12782;RRID:AB_2687943
Mouse monoclonal anti-GAPDH Sigma-Aldrich Cat#G8795; RRID: AB_1078991
Rabbit polyclonal anti-ACSS2 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#HPA004141; RRID: AB_1078094
Mouse monoclonal anti-V5 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#V8012; RRID:AB_261888
Mouse monoclonal anti-Vinculin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#V9264; RRID: AB_10603627
Rabbit polyclonal anti-RNA polymerase II Abcam Cat#ab26721; RRID:AB_777726
Rabbit monoclonal anti-FDFT1 Abcam Cat#ab109723; RRID: AB_10859772
Mouse monoclonal anti-U1–70k Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-390899; RRID:AB_2801569
Rabbit polyclonal anti-SREBP1 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-8984; RRID: AB_2194223
Mouse monoclonal anti-SRSF1 Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-33652; RRID: AB_628248
Mouse monoclonal anti-T7 EMD Millipore Cat#69522; RRID:AB_11211744
Mouse monoclonal anti-Phosphoepitope SR proteins EMD Millipore Cat#MABE50;RRID:AB_10807429
Rabbit Normal IgG Cell Signaling Technology Cat#2729, RRID:AB_1031062
Mouse Normal IgG Thermo Scientific
Cat#10-400-C; RRID:AB_2532980
IRDye 800CW Donkey anti-Rabbit IgG LI-COR Biosciences Cat# 926-32213; RRID:AB_621848
IRDye 680RD Donkey anti-Mouse IgG LI-COR Biosciences Cat# 926-68072; RRID:AB_10953628
IRDye 680RD Detection Reagent LI-COR Biosciences Cat#:926-69100
Bacterial and virus strains
E. coli BL21 New England Biolabs Cat#C2527
Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins
Rapamycin Calbiochem Cat#553210
Torin1 Tocris Bioscience Cat#4247
Actinomycin D Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A1410
PhosSTOP Roche Cat#04906837001
RNase inhibitor Invitrogen Cat#10777019
RNase T1 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#AM2283
RNase A Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#12091-021
Anti-V5 agarose affinity gel Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A7345
Anti-Flag agarose affinity gel Sigma-Aldrich Cat# A2220
Lipofectamine RNAiMAX Transfection Reagent Invitrogen Cat#13778075
DNase I Sigma-Aldrich Cat#AMPD1
TRIzol Invitrogen Cat#15596018
Protein A/G magnetic beads Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#88802
Protein A/G PLUS-Agarose Santa Cruz Biotechnology Cat#sc-2003
Proteinase K New England Biolabs Cat#P8107
Lipofectamine 2000 reagent Invitrogen Cat#11668500
Phenol:Chloroform:IAA, 25:24:1, pH 6.6 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#AM9730
Insulin solution human Sigma-Aldrich Cat#I9278
Crystal Violet Sigma-Aldrich Cat#C3886
SRPIN340 Selleck Chemicals Cat#S7270
SRPKIN-1 MedChem Express Cat#HY-116856
Lipoprotein, low density from human plasma Sigma-Aldrich Cat#L7914
Oleic acid-albumin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#O3008
Fatty acid-free albumin Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A8806
Lipoprotein-deficient serum Alfa Aesar Cat#BT-907
Sodium palmitate Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P9767
Methanol-free 10% formaldehyde Polysciences Cat#04018-1
25-Hydroxycholesterol MedChem Express Cat#HY-113134
Critical commercial assays
PureLink RNA Mini kit Ambion Cat#12183018A
iScript cDNA synthesis kit Bio-rad Cat#170–8891BUN
Illumina® Stranded mRNA Prep Kit Illumina Cat#20040534
Gateway LR clonase II enzyme mix Invitrogen Cat#11791
QuickChange site-directed mutagenesis kit Strategene Cat#200521
RNA Clean & Concentrator Zymo Research Cat#R1016
Illumina® Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus Illumina Cat#20040529
LightSwitch dual assay kit (promoter assay) Active Motif Cat#32035
Chromatin IP DNA purification kit Active Motif Cat#58002
SYBR Green PCR Master Mix Life Technologies Cat#4312704
QuikChange II XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Strategene Cat#200521
ChIP-IT Express Kit Active Motif Cat#53009
Deposited data
Raw RNAseq data (siNTC and siFAM120A) This paper GSE207172
Raw RNAseq data (siNTC, siFAM120, and siSRSF1) This paper GSE229657
Raw data of Images and WB This paper, Mendeley Data DOI: 10.17632/rgfgx9xb8w.1
Experimental models: Cell lines
Human: Renal angiomyolipoma-derived LAM 621–101 (TSC2−/−) Drs. Jane Yu and Elizabeth Henske Yu et al., 2004; RRID: CVCL_S879
Human: HEK293E ATCC Cat#293 c18; RRID: CVCL_6974
Human: HEK293T GenHunter Cat#Q401; RRID: CVCL_0063
Human: MCF7 ATCC Cat#HTB-22; RRID: CVCL_0031
Human: DLD1 ATCC Cat#CCL-221; RRID: CVCL_0248
Human: NCI-H1299 ATCC Cat#CRL-5803; RRID: CVCL_0060
Human: LNCaP ATCC Cat#CRL-1740; RRID:CVCL_1379
Experimental models: Organisms/strains
nu/nu athymic mice Envigo Cat#069
siRNA negative control-#1(siNTC) Sigma-Aldrich SIC001
siRNA negative control-#2(siNTC) Sigma-Aldrich SIC002
siRNA (Human SRSF1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00115059
siRNA (Human SRSF1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs02_00342609
siRNA (Human UPF1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00101017
siRNA (Human UPF1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00101018
siRNA (Human U1–70k/SNRNP70) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs02_00335028
siRNA (Human U1–70k/SNRNP70) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00165101
siRNA (Human FAM120A) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00149752
siRNA (Human FAM120A) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs02_00345898
siRNA (Human FAM120A) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs02_00345899
siRNA (Human SREBP1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00051828
siRNA (Human SREBP1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00051829
siRNA (Human SREBP1) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00051830
siRNA (Human SREBP2) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00075424
siRNA (Human SREBP2) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00075425
siRNA (Human SREBP2) Sigma-Aldrich SASI_Hs01_00075426
Primers for qPCR analysis, see Table S2 This paper N/A
Recombinant DNA
ACSS2 promoter construct SwitchGear Genomics Cat#S715263
SCD1 promoter construct SwitchGear Genomics Cat#S714484
pLX304-SRSF1-V5 Harvard plasmid Cat#HsCD00420441
Lentiviral packaging and envelope plasmids Dr. David Baltimore N/A
pcDNA3-EGFP Addgene Cat#13031
pKH3-HA-SRPK2-WT, K110M Dr. John Blenis Lee et al., 2007
pLNCX-HA-SRPK2-S494A/S497A Dr. John Blenis Lee et al., 2007
pLX304-FAM120A-V5 Harvard plasmid HsCD00440255
pENTR1A-Flag-FAM120A(WT) This paper N/A
pENTR1A-Flag-FAM120A(∆RBD) This paper N/A
pLenti-CMV-Puro-DEST Addgene Cat#17452
pENTR223-SRSF1 Harvard plasmid Cat#HsCD00367645
pLenti-CMV-Puro-SRSF1 This paper N/A
pLenti-CMV-Puro-FAM120A This paper N/A
pLenti-CMV-Puro-Flag-FAM120A(WT) This paper N/A
pLenti-CMV-Puro-Flag-FAM120A(∆RBD) This paper N/A
pENTR223-FAM120A Harvard plasmid Cat#HsCD00438604
T7-SRSF1(WT) Dr. Adrian Krainer Fregoso et al., 2013
T7-SRSF1(∆RRM1) Dr. Adrian Krainer Fregoso et al., 2013
T7-SRSF1(∆RRM2) Dr. Adrian Krainer Fregoso et al., 2013
T7-SRSF1(∆RS) Dr. Adrian Krainer Fregoso et al., 2013
pLKO.1-puro-Non-Mammalian shRNA Control Sigma-Aldrich SHC002
pLKO.1-puro-shSRPK2 Sigma-Aldrich TRCN0000006274
pLKO.1-puro-shFAM120A Sigma-Aldrich TRCN0000074918
pLKO.1-puro-shSREBP1 Sigma-Aldrich TRCN0000055325
pLKO.1-puro-shSREBP2 Sigma-Aldrich TRCN0000020667
Software and algorithms
IRFinder-S Lorenzi et. al., 2021
HISAT2 v2.2.1 Kim et. al., 2019
StringTie2 v2.1.4 Kovaka et. al., 2019
DESeq2 (v1.30.1) Love et. al., 2014
Enhanced Volcano v1.8.0 R package Blighe, 2022
Adobe Photoshop Adobe Adobe
Odyssey imaging system LI-COR Biosciences LI-COR Biosciences
enrichR v3.0 package Webb et al., 2014
EI-MAVEN, Version 0.12.0 Agrawal et al, 2019 Elucidata
VAST-tools Irimia et. al., 2014
BioRender BioRender