Time line of Gliovac treatment administration. The tumor resection is considered as day 0 (D0). The Gliovac is administered in repeated cycles. Ten days after surgery, the patient receives low-dose cyclophosphamide (Cy) for three consecutive doses (day 10–12: D10–D12; purple arrows) in order to reduce immune inhibitory immune cells, such as regulatory T cells [14]. The first immunization with an allogeneic tumor antigen-preparation, in conjunction with GM-CSF, is given on day 15 (D15). Subsequent immunizations, given at a 3–4 day intervals, consist of the patient-derived autologous antigens, two distinct allogeneic antigen-preparations, and a final autologous antigen preparation – all in combination with GM-CSF. The patient is left in rest for 1 week and a new cycle (cycle 2) restart with cyclophosphamide for three consecutive doses from D38 followed by immunization Gliovac treatment. This treatment has been repeated for six cycles.