Fig. 2.
Sharing of differential expression across cell types. A Heatmap of correlation motifs across cell types. Cells are shaded according to the posterior probability of differential expression for each cormotif and cell type. Columns are clustered by mean gene expression. Inferred germ layers are given in Data S1. Boxplots of B Percent coding identity, C dN/dS, or D LOEUF in genes that are DE in zero or increasingly large numbers of cell types at posterior probability 0.5. E Boxplot showing the distribution of the number of cell types in which genes are DE for HAR targets and non-HAR target genes. F The number of non-DE genes remaining, requiring the specified absolute expression cutoffs in at least the given number of cell types. UMAP from Fig. 1B is colored to show the G posterior probability of DE for genes in cormotif 13 or H the expression of genes in cormotif 13 relative to other cell types (z-score, “Materials and methods” section). Boxplots show expression relative to humans in select cell types for I TCF7L2 or J SCG3. Adjacent heatmaps show the median expression across all samples from both species