Strengths |
Exhaled breath hydrogen and methane are exclusive biomarkers of metabolically active gut microbes |
Safe, simple, and noninvasive |
Widely accessible and inexpensive with home testing option |
Antibiotic therapy can be tailored based on breath test patterna |
Spot methane measurement is a rapid point-of-care method to diagnosis IMO and assess treatment response |
Lactulose breath test can help identify patients with diarrhea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome who are more likely to be rifaximin responders |
Limitations |
Indirectly measures microbial overgrowth |
Accuracy of result relies on patient compliance to protocol:
Various commercial home tests:
Low breath hydrogen can occur when excessive methanogens and hydrogenotrophic bacteria are present |
SIBO test results can be affected by variations in OCTT:
Conditions that impair delivery of the carbohydrate substrate to the small intestine can result in false-negative results (ie, gastroparesis, gastric outlet obstruction, achalasia, and enterocutaneous fistula) |
aHydrogen-predominant SIBO treatment: rifaximin; IMO treatment: rifaximin/neomycin, rifaximin/flagyl, or ciprofloxacin/flagyl.
IMO, intestinal methanogen overgrowth; OCTT, orocecal transit time; SIBO, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.