Figure S6.
Brains from flies carrying mutant alleles for cnn or spd-2 display no observable Cnn or Spd-2 protein on Western blots. (A and B) Western blots of larval brain samples from wild-type and cnn,spd-2,pUbq-RFP-Cnn flies probed with anti-Cnn (A) and anti-Spd-2 (B). Note how anti-Cnn recognizes endogenous Cnn in the wild-type sample and the larger exogenous pUbq-RFP-Cnn in the cnn,spd-2,pUbq-RFP-Cnn mutant sample, but that no endogenous Cnn is detected in the cnn,spd-2,pUbq-RFP-Cnn mutant sample. Note also how anti-Spd-2 recognizes endogenous Spd-2 in the wild-type sample but not in the cnn,spd-2,pUbq-RFP-Cnn mutant sample. Source data are available for this figure: SourceData FS6.