Fig. 3. CD123-NKCE displays strong cytotoxic activity against AML cells that is not affected by expression of CD64.
a, Comparison of the cytotoxicities of NKCE molecules engaging only NKp46 (NKp46-Fc null-CD123) or coengaging NKp46 and CD16 (CD123-NKCE) against AML cell lines with and without CD32 and CD64 expression. THP-1 (CD32+ CD64+) cells and THP-1 subclones with inactivated CD32 (CD32-KO CD64+) or CD64 (CD32+ CD64-KO) expression were used as the targets, and purified resting NK cells from healthy donors were used as effectors. The data of one representative experiment among three are shown. b, Comparison of the cytotoxicities of CD123-IgG1+(black lozenge), NKp46-Fc null-CD123-NKCE (green circle) and CD123-NKCE (red square) against primary AML blasts expressing or not CD64. Primary AML blasts CD64-negative (AML no. 2) and CD64-positive (AML no. 4) were used as the targets and purified resting NK cells as effectors. The data for three healthy donor NK cells are shown. c, Cytotoxicity of CD123-NKCE against blasts from patients with AML. five blasts from patients with AML (AML nos. 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7) were used as targets, and purified NK cells from healthy donors (n = 9) were used as effectors. Results are shown for all the healthy NK cell donors tested. Data of a and c are presented as mean values ± s.d. d, Maximum cytotoxic activities of CD123-IgG1+ and CD123-NKCE molecules against blasts from patients with AML. Blast cells from seven patients with AML were used as targets and purified NK cells from ten healthy donors were used as effectors. Delta (Δ) maximum lysis, defined as percentage maximum lysis of the compound minus percentage background lysis of the isotype control molecule (IC-IgG1+ or IC-NKCE), were monitored from the dose response of each compound, and plotted separately for all couples of primary CD64-positive and CD64-negative AML sample/NK donor. (*P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.005; two-sided Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test).