Asian elephant genome assembly and annotation. (a) Genome‐wide heatmap of Hi‐C interactions among 28 chromosomes of Asian elephant. (b) Quality evaluation of the assembled genome in BUSCO software with “mammalia_odb9” dataset. (c) Chromosome synteny among cattle, human, and Asian elephant. The transposon elements (TE) and predicted genes of the Asian elephant genome: (d) Relationship between the intron length and TE length. (e) The number of predicted genes in each chromosome and solid lines denote 10 times of the average number of genes in each numbered chromosome along 10 Mb windows with a step size was 2 Mb. (f) Divergence distribution of repeat elements in the Asian elephant genome. (g) The Venn diagram of functional annotation in the predicted gene set using four protein databases (Swissprot, KEGG, TrEMBL, and Interpro).