Proteome deconvolution can accurately reveal the composition of cell types of human liver biopsies. The proteomes from 56 human liver tissue samples were analysed using complete deconvolution. A, Schematic drawing showing cell and extracellular compartments identified by deconvolution. Colour codes are harmonized between fig A, D and E. B, Variability in liver protein expression. C, Variance explained cumulatively for each Singular Value Decomposition component for unfiltered (all proteins; grey) and filtered (collinear proteins; black). The first eight components explain 94% of all variance for the filtered data and had a Youden index of 0.78. D, The eight compartments identified in C and examples of their signature proteins. E, Average estimated proportions (by volume) in human liver (nā=ā56) of the eight compartments were in excellent agreement with the literature values [23]. F, Variability as a function of sample size.