Figure 4.
CD163 immunohistochemical staining and correlation between CD163+ expression and clinical imaging features. (A) CD163 immunohistochemical whole-slide images of Gb tissue samples. (B) The 400× image of the region of interest of CD163 (scale bar =50 µm). (C) The 400× magnification pseudo-color image of the region of interest of CD163 (scale bar =50 µm). (D) Scatter plot showing the association of age with CD163+ TAMs. (E) Scatter plot showing the association of ADCmean with CD163+ TAMs. (F) Boxplot showing the differences in CD163+ TAMs between the mutant-type and wild-type TERT groups. TAMs, tumor-associated macrophages; ADCmean, average apparent diffusion coefficient; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase.