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. 2023 Aug 29;10:1154567. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1154567

Table 1.

Evidence for available skin substitutes used to treat chronic wounds.

Class Type of wound Number of participants (n) Comparison Healed (%) Time to closure (days) FDA status Effective-ness data
dHAM (100102) I DFU 29 SOC* 33 vs. 0 at 6 weeks HCT/P +
DFU 13 SOC* 29.5
vCPM (103106) I VLU 21 SOC* 53 vs. 0 at 10.9 weeks HCT/P +
DFU 26 SOC* 65.4 vs. 0 at 12 weeks 34
DFU 97 SOC* 62 vs. 21 at 12 weeks 42
DFU 62 DSS 48.4 vs. 38.7 at 8 weeks
dHACM (102, 107111) I DFU 60 BLCC 85 vs. 35 (BLCC) vs. 30 (SOC*) at 4 weeks 13 HCT/P +
DFU 100 BLCC 97 vs. 73 (BLCC) vs. 51 (SOC*) 23.6
DFU 110 SOC* 70 vs. 50 at 12 weeks
VLU 109 SOC* 60 vs. 35 at 12 weeks
DermACELL® ADM (112) II DFU 168 GraftJacket® SOC* 65 vs. 41.1 (SOC*) at 12 weeks (No difference compared to Graft-jacket) 63 HCT/P +
GraftJacket® ADM (112) II DFU 168 DermACELL® SOC* No difference compared to DermA-CELL® or SOC* HCT/P +
SIS (54, 55, 113117) II VLU 120 SOC* 55 vs. 34 at 12 weeks HCT/P +
Mixed VLU and arterial 54 Hyaloskin® 82.6 vs. 46.2 at 16 weeks
Mixed VLU and arterial 50 Petrolatum-Moistened Gauze 80 vs. 65 in 8 weeks
DFU 55 DSS 73.7 vs. 47.1 (DSS) vs. 57.9 (SOC*) at 12 weeks
UBM (118) II DFU 56 DSS No significant difference 510(k) +
HR-ADM (49) II DFU 40 SOC* 65 vs. 5 at 6 weeks 28 HCT/P +
DSS (119122) II DFU 46 SOC* 71.4 vs. 14.3 at week 12 PMA +
VLU 18 SOC* 50 vs. 12.5 at 12 weeks
VLU 366 SOC* 34 vs. 31 at week 12
CHSA (123) III DFU 23 DSS 63.6 vs. 33.3 at 12 weeks 62.3 HCT/P +
BLCC (124130) III DFU 72 SOC* 51.5 vs. 26.3 at 12 weeks 84 PMA +
DFU 208 SOC* 56 vs. 38 at 12 weeks 65
DFU 17 SOC* 56 vs. 37 at 12 weeks
Arterial 31 SOC* 62 vs. 0 and 8 weeks 49
VLU 120 SOC* 47 vs. 19 in 6 months 181
DRT (112114, 131133) III DFU 307 SOC* 51 vs. 32 at 16 weeks 43 PMA +

The table depicts RCT data for available skin substitutes that are currently used in the treatment of chronic wounds. *SOC is used to denote standard of care. DFU, diabetic foot ulcer; VLU, venous leg ulcer; dHAM, dehydrated human amniotic membrane; vCPM, cryopreserved placental membrane containing viable cells; dHACM, dehydrated amnion and chorion membrane; ADM, acellular dermal matrices; SIS, small intestine submucosa; UBM, urinary bladder matrix; HR-ADM, human reticular acellular dermal matrix; DSS, dermal skin substitutes; CHSA, cryopreserved human skin allograft; BLCC, bilayered cellular construct; DRT, dermal regenerative template; SOC, standard of care; HCT/P, human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products; 510(k), 510(k) premarket notification; PMA, premarket approval.