Table 10.
Summary of occurrence data reported in literature for MOSH
MOSH C‐fractions analysed | Food | Positive/analysed samples | Information on the concentration (mg/kg) of positive samples | Analytical method | Additional information | Reference |
C10‐C40 | Different types of foods | 142/198 | Below LOQ in several food groups. Maximum concentration in positive samples from 0.74 (Pasta etc.) up to 84.82 mg/kg (Confectionery including chocolate) | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 0.5 mg/kg | Different clean‐up methods used samples purchased on the Belgium market | Van Heyst et al. (2018) |
Different fractions | Olive fruits olive oils | 9/9 (fruit); 5/5 (oil) | 0.4–3.2 (fruit); 10.3–38.0 (oil) | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ ≈ 0.1 mg/kg | Results also reported for PAHs | Gharbi et al. (2017) |
C16–C25 and C25–C35 fractions | Infant formula (dairy milk‐based and goat milk‐based) | C16–C25: 17/51 C25–C35:0/51 | 1.5–3.5 | GC‐FID/MS LOQ = 0.5 mg/kg | SPE to separate MOAH from MOSH. For the positive samples, all the MOSH and MOAH humps fell into the C16–C25 fraction. | Sui et al. (2020) |
C12–C35 | Dry products (rice, pasta, couscous, breadcrumbs, chocolate powder) | 11/11 | 7–44 | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 0.1 mg/kg | MOH removal during boiling dry foods in water | Biedermann‐Brem and Grob (2011a,b) |
Three different fractions between C10 and C35 | Cereal products (semolina, pasta, bread, biscuits, cakes) | 53/53 | Sum of all fractions from about 0.1 to about 26 mg/kg | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 0.1 mg/kg | Samples purchased in Italy. Results shown in stacked bars for the different fractions and therefore only the sum is given. | Moret et al. (2016) |
Five different fractions between C10 and C50 | Fresh and packaged fish and fish products | 16/21 | Sum of all fractions from 0.5 to 9.5 mg/kg | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ ≈ 0.1 mg/kg | Samples purchased in Italy | Srbinovska et al. (2020) |
≤ C16; ≤ C24; ≤ 35; > C35 | Cocoa butter, sunflower oil, palm oil | ≤ C16: 4/175 ≤ C24: 50/175 ≤ 35: 89/175 > C35: 63/175 | < LOQ‐3.8 < LOQ‐45 < LOQ‐103 < LOQ‐44 | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 2.5 mg/kg | Minimum concentration in positive samples are not given in the paper Samples from German confectioners and raw material suppliers | Stauff et al. (2020) |
C20‐C44 | Vegetable oils | 18/18 | 7.7–180.6 | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 2 mg/kg | Purchased in Italy | Tranchida et al. (2011) |
C14–C31 | Raw cocoa butter | 40/8 | UCM: 14–47 n‐alkanes: 32–72 | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 2 mg/kg | UCM = branched and cyclic‐n‐alkanes from C14 to C22 centred on C17 Samples originated from a factory in Spain | Bonvehi and Coll (2014) |
C16–C35 | Infant formula Adult milk powder | 38/24 12/9 | 0.09–0.65 0.07–2.55 | LC‐GC‐FID LOQ = 0.1 mg/kg | Samples purchased in China | Zhan et al. (2019) |
Not stated | Dried unprepared foods | 1/56 | 17 |
Refer to BfR (2012) LOQ = 10 mg/kg |
FSANZ (2018) |