Figure 2.
Analysis of subsets shows delineation of cell types that are important for adipose tissue function. (A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) of myeloid cells (n = 39,990 cells) from 59 individuals after subsetting and reclustering showing 14 distinct cell types/states. (B) Dot plot showing selected myeloid gene markers on the x-axis and cell type on the y-axis. The dot size reflects the percentage of cells expressing the gene while the color reflects the scaled average expression. (C) UMAP of T cells, natural killer cells, and innate lymphoid cells (n = 28,061 cells) from 59 individuals after subsetting and reclustering showing 16 distinct cell types/states. (D) Dot plot showing selected lymphoid gene markers on the x-axis and cell type on the y-axis. The dot size reflects the percentage of cells expressing the gene while the color reflects the scaled average expression. (E) UMAP of stromal cells (n = 50,492 cells) from 59 individuals after subsetting and reclustering. (F) Dot plot showing selected stromal gene markers on the x-axis and cell type on the y-axis. The dot size reflects the percentage of cells expressing the gene while the color reflects the scaled average expression. (G) UMAP of vascular cells (n = 41,958 cells) from 59 individuals after subsetting and reclustering. (H) Dot plot showing selected vascular gene markers on the x-axis and cell type on the y-axis. The dot size reflects the percentage of cells expressing the gene while the color reflects the scaled average expression. cMo, classical monocyte; cDC1, conventional dendritic cell type 1; cDC2B, conventional dendritic cell type 2B; DC, dendritic cell; EC, endothelial cell; ECM, extracellular matrix; FIB, fibroblast; ILC, innate lymphoid cell; IM, intermediate macrophage; ISG+, interferon-stimulated gene +; LAM, lipid-associated macrophage; Mac, macrophage; mNK, mature natural killer; Mo, monocyte; MT, metallothionein+; myoFIB, myofibroblast; NK, natural killer; nMo, non-classical monocyte; pDC, plasmacytoid dendritic cell; PreAd, preadipocyte; PVM, perivascular macrophage; TCM, T central memory; TEM, T effector memory; VSMC, vascular smooth muscle.