Fig 6. Hemispheric asymmetries in RS connectivity are not driven by auditory-responsive and language-specialized ROIs.
Inter-ROI distances in embedding space for nondominant versus dominant hemisphere participants. (a) Comparison between the change in position in embedding space from dominant to nondominant hemisphere and the auditory responsiveness of individual ROIs. Two-tailed Spearman’s rank tests did not reveal a significant correlation between ROI asymmetry and percentage of either early or late auditory responsive sites within the ROI (left and right panel, respectively). (b) Pairwise distances between all ROIs and between ROIs involved in speech and language perception and production (PT, PP, STSL, STGP, STGM, STGA, SMG, AGA, PMC, PreCG, IFGop, IFGtr) are shown in the left and right panel, respectively. Note that after splitting the data into the 2 subsets (dominant and nondominant) STSU did not meet the inclusion criteria for analysis presented in the right panel (see Methods, S2 Table).