(A) Using epidermis-specific RNAi strain, 4 DCV pathway components (rab-3, ida-1, ric-19, and unc-108) were tested for worm growth regulation in response to epidermal ribosome biogenesis inhibition. Reducing the expression of ida-1 increased worm body length in the absence of new epidermal ribosomes, while reducing the expression of other components did not affect worm growth. Data were obtained from 3 independent experiments with at least 20 animals for each. P values were calculated by independent t test and adjusted by Bonferroni correction. The black dash line on the plot indicates the median body length of the control group. (B) Localization of endogenous IDA-1 and epidermal cells in live animals. A fluorescent protein gene, wrmScarlet, was inserted in the C terminus of the endogenous ida-1 gene. The magenta color shows the IDA-1 expression pattern, while green indicates the epidermal cells, marked by col-10 promoter. L3 to L4 stage animals were immobilized using 1 mM levamisole. (C) The wrmScalet-tagged IDA-1 strain was crossed with the inducible epidermis-specific ribosome biogenesis inhibition strain. Synchronized embryos of the strain were grown on NGM plates with and without 1 mM IAA for 24 hours. Animals were immobilized by 20 mM sodium azide. For quantification, each 63× image was analyzed using Fiji software Z project. (D) Using the epidermis-specific RNAi strain, secreted proteins that were overexpressed in epidermal RPOA-2 depletion were tested for worm growth regulation in response to epidermal ribosome biogenesis inhibition (degron::GFP::rpoa-2; col-10p::TIR1, +IAA). Data were obtained from 3 independent experiments with at least 20 animals for each replicate. P values were calculated by an independent t test and adjusted by Bonferroni correction. The black dash line on the plot indicates the median body length of the control. The underlying data for (A, C, D) can be found in Tab H in S1 Data. DCV, dense-core vesicle; IAA, indole-3-acetic acid; NGM, nematode growth media; RNAi, RNA interference.