Extended Data Fig. 2 ∣. Protein purification, raw images and 2D classifications of IgM BCRΔFab.
a, Selection of J558L B cells that expressed IgM BCRΔFab. Domain organization of IgM BCRΔFab and surface expression of IgM (APC) and Igα (GFP) by flow cytometry are shown. b-c, Purification of IgM BCRΔFab shown by SDS-PAGE, Blue-native (BN) PAGE and western blotting using antibodies against the individual subunits. H: heavy chain. d, Gel filtration profiles of IgM BCRΔFab. The peak of IgM BCRΔFab is shaded in grey e-f, Representative negative staining EM image (e) and cryo-EM image of IgM BCRΔFab (f). g, Representative 2D classes of IgM BCRΔFab.