Extended Data Fig. 2. Heterogeneity analysis in different stages of organoid development.
a,d, UMAP embedding of a subset of the organoid trajectory surrounding neuroectoderm cells (a) and the branching window (d) coloured by time point, velocity pseudotime, cell line, branch prediction and lovain clusters. b,e, Heatmap showing mean min-max scaled expression (log(transcript counts per 10k + 1)) of cluster markers. c, UMAP embedding coloured by cluster identities, expression patterns of cluster markers. Volcano plot shows differentially expressed (DE) genes of cluster 5 relative to other clusters. f, UMAP embedding coloured by rank-transformed CellRank transition probability to non-telencephalon, ventral telencephalon and dorsal telencephalon and coloured by expression of selected transcription factors. g, Whole-mount HCR in situ hybridizations of day 18 organoids and UMAP embedding coloured by expression of targets. Stainings were performed on 2-3 organoids per cell line and representative images were shown. Scale bar: 100 μm. The range of expression values is indicated for each feature plot.