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. 2023 Aug 4;17(9):905–914. doi: 10.1111/crj.13679


Characteristics of patients who were candidates for invasive procedures.

All patients N = 127

Patients treated with high‐flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy

N = 94

Patients treated with invasive mechanical ventilation

N = 33

Demographic characteristics
Sex (male) 89 (70.1%) 66 (70.2%) 23 (69.7%) 1.000
Mean age 63.0 [55.0;70.0] 62.0 [52.0;69.8] 64.0 [59.0;70.0] 0.172
Mean body mass index (kg/m2) 27.9 [25.0;31.1] 27.5 [25.0;30.9] 28.3 [25.7;31.7] 0.415
Active smoking 6 (4.72%) 3 (3.19%) 3 (9.09%) 0.424
Alcohol abuse 20 (15.7%) 13 (13.8%) 7 (21.2%) 0.110
Hypertension 48 (37.8%) 31 (33%) 17 (51.5%) 0.093
Dyslipidaemia 51 (40.2%) 38 (40.4%) 13 (39.4%) 1.000
Diabetes mellitus 26 (20.5%) 18 (19.1%) 8 (24.2%) 0.709
Heart disease 10 (7.87%) 8 (8.51%) 2 (6.06%) 1.000
Lung disease 22 (17.3%) 16 (17%) 6 (18.2%) 1.000
Kidney disease 10 (7.87%) 5 (5.32%) 5 (15.2%) 0.125
Liver disease 9 (7.09%) 5 (5.32%) 4 (12.1%) 0.237
Usual treatment
ACE inhibitors/ARBs 35 (27.6%) 21 (22.3%) 14 (42.4%) 0.046
Statins 39 (30.7%) 28 (29.8%) 11 (33.3%) 0.872
Anticoagulants 11 (8.66%) 8 (8.51%) 3 (9.09%) 1.000
Platelet aggregation inhibitors 18 (14.2%) 13 (13.8%) 5 (15.2%) 1.000
Oral corticosteroids 6 (4.72%) 1 (1.06%) 5 (15.2%) 0.005
Clinical characteristics assessed in the emergency department
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 125 [115;142] 128 [116;144] 120 [110;137] 0.092
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 75.4 (11.3) 76.1 (11.4) 73.3 (11.0) 0.230
Body temperature (°C) 37.1 (0.91) 37.1 (0.93) 37.2 (0.85) 0.490
Respiratory rate (rpm) 16.0 [16.0;22.0] 16.0 [16.0;22.0] 16.0 [15.0;22.0] 0.932
Heart rate (lpm) 93.5 (15.9) 92.6 (14.9) 96.3 (18.2) 0.292
Mean oxygen saturation (%) 94.0 [91.0;96.0] 94.0 [91.0;96.0] 94.0 [91.0;96.0] 0.726
Blood test results
Creatinine (mg/dL)
In the ED 0.91 [0.76;1.10] 0.90 [0.74;1.06] 1.04 [0.88;1.39] 0.003
At therapy initiation 0.81 [0.67;0.97] 0.78 [0.65;0.92] 0.95 [0.74;1.24] 0.003
C‐reactive protein (mg/L)
In the ED 95.2 [52.7;154] 93.2 [45.2;157] 101 [73.8;149] 0.545
At therapy initiation 92.5 [49.8;150] 91.2 [46.4;151] 94.1 [56.0;149] 0.733
Procalcitonin (ng/mL)
In the ED 0.13[0.06;0.32] 0.12[0.05;0.23] 0.20[0.09;0,49] 0.121
At therapy initiation 0.11 [0.06;0.18] 0.09 [0.05;0.16] 0.20 [0.10;0.49] 0.004
Lactate dehydrogenase (U/L)
In the ED 342 [282;411] 341 [272;392] 361 [299;425] 0.384
At therapy initiation 361 [304;442] 356 [297;422] 419 [329;476] 0.008
Ferritin (ng/mL)
In the ED 830 [404;1466] 828 [372;1492] 831 [457;1195] 0.690
At therapy initiation 1036 [563;1739] 1021 [550;1713] 1086 [696;1730] 0.601
In the ED 810 [650;1058] 830 [660;1080] 790 [630;1010] 0.681
At therapy initiation 725 [542;955] 760 [560;980] 650 [520;890] 0.176
Platelets ×103/μL
In the ED 171 [135;221] 175[136;233] 156 [131;200] 0.085
At therapy initiation 216 [168;302] 244 [176;315] 187 [155;216] 0.001
D‐dimer (ng/mL)
In the ED 620 [418;965] 600 [370;952] 675 [532;1025] 0.315
At therapy initiation 630 [385;1215] 600 [380;1085] 720 [430;1255] 0.814
PO2/FIO2 at therapy initiation 138 [103;160] 140 [102;165] 130 [108;148] 0.504
Duration of therapy 6.00 [4.00;10.0] 7.00 [5.00;11.0] 3.00 [1.00;5.00] <0.001
CALL score 10 [7.0;12.0] 8.50[6.0;12.0] 10[8.0;12.0] 0.037
Low CALL score (<7) 22 (21,8%) 21 (27,6%) 1 (4%) 0.028
High CALL score (≥7) 79 (78,2%) 55 (72,4%) 24 (96%)
Hospital stay (days) 19 [13.0;29.0] 16[12.0;21.8] 37 [27.0;52.0] <0.001
Death 15 (11.8%) 0 (0.00%) 15 (45.5%) <0.001

Notes: Data are expressed as mean (SD), median and interquartile range (IQR) and N (%). ‘Therapy’ refers to high‐flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy.

Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin‐converting enzyme; ARBs, angiotensin II receptor blockers; ED, emergency department.