Acquisition protocol for 5D relaxation–diffusion MRI. (a) Pulse
sequence for acquiring images encoded for relaxation and diffusion in a 5D
space defined by the echo time
, and
-tensor trace
, normalized
, and orientation (
). An EPI image
readout block acquires the spin echo produced by slice-selective
90 and 180
radio-frequency pulses. The 180
pulse is encased by a pair of gradient waveforms allowing for diffusion
encoding according to principles from multidimensional solid-state NMR
(Topgaard, 2017) (red, green, and blue lines). The
signal is encoded for the transverse relaxation rate
by varying the
value of
. (b) Numerically optimized gradient waveforms
(Sjölund et al., 2015) yielding four distinct
shapes (
, 0.0, 0.5, and 1)
(Eriksson et al., 2015).