The anti-inflammatory effect of SMU-Y6 in mice. (A) Mouse paw edema volume at different time points. (B) Myeloperoxidase activity in the inflamed foot pads at 4 h. Before mice paws received a subcutaneous injection of 1% carrageenan, mice were treated with saline, 5 mg/kg carrageenan, 10 mg/kg indomethacin. (C) Photograph of mouse paw edema at 4 h taken after treatment with either saline, carrageenan plus saline, carrageenan plus SMU-Y6 (5 mg/kg), carrageenan plus indomethacin (10 mg/kg). (D) HE staining and (E) immunohistochemical analysis of iNOs of mouse paws treated with either saline, carrageenan plus saline, carrageenan plus SMU-Y6 (5 mg/kg), carrageenan plus indomethacin (10 mg/kg) at 4 h injection. (F) Flow cytometry analysis of neutrophiles with Ly6G+ and CD11b+ in local mice paws.