Fig. 5. ZEB1 expression pattern in Normal-Healthy, NATs, and breast tumors.
a Representative IHC of ZEB1 in Normal-Healthy, NATs, and/or tumors of women of AA and EA. b Enlarged view of ZEB1 expression in Normal-Healthy and tumor. Note ZEB1+ cells surround epithelial cell clusters. c Differences in ZEB1 expression (positivity and H-score) between Normal-Healthy tissues of women of AA and EA. Differences in ZEB1 expression (positivity and H-score) among Normal-Healthy women of AA and EA analyzed using two-sided Wilcoxon test. d Differences in ZEB1 expression (positivity and H-score) between Normal-Healthy and NATs of women of AA (positivity *p = 0.000058998 and H-score *p = 0.000112101) and EA. The data were analyzed using two-sided Wilcoxon test. e Differences in ZEB1 expression (positivity and H-score) between NATs and tumors of women of AA and EA analyzed using two-sided Wilcoxon test. (Normal-Healthy-AA (n = 33), EA (n = 144); NAT -AA (n = 12) and EA (n = 31); Tumor -AA (n = 13) and EA (n = 53)). All the data points are shown as mean ± SD. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.