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. 2023 Sep 15;21:15. doi: 10.1186/s12963-023-00308-8

Table 2.

Examples of unmet need questions by study

Survey (year) Question(s)
1 Brazilian longitudinal study of aging (ELSI-Brazil) (2015) U32: Have you looked for a health service to get an appointment related to your health, in the PAST 2 weeks
U34: Were you immediately taken care of on the first time you sought care in this health service in the PAST 2 weeks?
U35: What was the reason for not being taken care of on the first time you sought care in this health service in the PAST 2 weeks?
U36: In this latest appointment, within the PAST 2 Weeks, were you prescribed any medication?
U37: Were you able to get all the medication that was prescribed to you on your latest appointment within the PAST 2 weeks?
U38: Why didn’t you get all the medication that was prescribed to you on your latest appointment within the PAST 2 weeks?
T6: In the PAST 30 days, due to financial issues, you:
(1) Had no financial issues to buy the medication(s)
(2) Did not take a medication that was prescribed by a doctor or a dentist
(3) Decrease the number of pills of the medication(s) that were prescribed by the doctor
(4) Decreased the dose of the medication, breaking the pills or taking less drops
(5) Didn’t use medication(s)
(9) Didn’t know/didn’t answer
2 Cambodia elderly survey (CES) (2004) G20: During the past year, were there any times that you were sick or injured?
G21: For how many days, if any, during the last year would you say you were unable to perform your usual activities because of these illnesses or injuries?
G22: Did you receive any professional treatment or take any medicines for these illnesses or injuries over the past year?
G23: Do you think that you needed such treatment or medicines?
G24: What were the reasons that you did not receive this treatment?
3 Commonwealth fund international health policy survey (CMWF) (2017) QN810: During the past 12 months, was there a time when you:
qn810_a1: Did not fill/collect a prescription for medicine, or you skipped doses of your medicine because of the cost
QN810_a2: Had a medical problem but did not consult with/visit a doctor because of the cost
QN810_a3: Skipped a medical test, treatment, or follow-up that was recommended by a doctor because of the cost
QN810_a4: Did not visit a dentist when you needed to because of the cost
4 Integrated household survey (IHS), The Gambia (2016) S2aq3_1: During the last 2 weeks, what symptoms has [name] suffered from?
S2aq4_1: Did [NAME] consult a health provider for this illness/injury last 2 weeks for MAIN illness?
S2aq5_1: What was the main reason that [NAME] did not visit a health practitioner during his/her illness?
S2aq3_2: During the last 2 weeks, what symptoms has [name] suffered from?
S2aq4_2: Did [NAME] consult a health provider for this illness/injury last 2 weeks for SECONDARY illness?
5 Mexican health and aging study (MHAS) (2001–2018) [2001 and 2003] D15: In the last 5 years, was there at least one instance when you had a serious health problem but you did not go to the doctor?
[2012, 2015, 2018] d15_15: Last 2 years: Did respondent have a serious health problem but not seek a doctor?
6 Myanmar aging study (MAS) (2012) J41: During the past 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities?
J42: Because of illnesses or injuries during the last 12 months, how many days were you unable to perform your usual activities because of these?
J43: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries?
J44: Do you think that you needed treatment?
7 Myanmar survey on accessing healthcare to older persons (2016) C1: During the past 12 months, were there any time that you were sick or injured and needed health care?
C3: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care?
8 Study of global AGEing and adult health (SAGE) Mongolia (2018) Q5002: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care?
9 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) A2.06: In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you wanted to see a GP, nurse or other health care worker at your usual medical centre within the next 24 h, but they were unable to see you?
10 Puerto Rican Elderly: health conditions (PREHCO) (2003, 2007) J1/WJ1 Could you tell me how many medications, prescribed by a doctor, you have been taking regularly in the last year?
J12/WJ12 During the last year, have you stopped taking or have you taken less of any medication that was prescribed because you could not afford it?
K48/WK48 In the last 12 months, were you ever told you should get an x-ray or have laboratory tests done, not including those for a hospitalization? K49/WK49 Did you have those tests done?
K60/WK60 In the last 2 years, have you needed medical attention that you could not get?
11 SAGE wave 1 (Ghana, India, China, Mexico, Russia, South Africa) and Wave 2 (Ghana, Mexico, South Africa) (2007–2019) Q5001: When was the last time that you needed health care?
Q5002: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care?
Q5003a. What was the main reason you needed care, even if you did not get care?
Q4067: During the last 12 months, have you had any problems with your mouth and/or teeth, including problems with swallowing?
Q4068a: Have you received any medications or treatment from a dentist or other oral health specialist during the last 2 weeks?
Q4068b: Have you received any medications or treatment from a dentist or other oral health specialist during the last 12 months?
12 Survey on health, well-being, and aging (SABE) Colombia (2015) P902: During the last 30 days, have you had any health problems?
P903: For any of the health problems you have had in the last 30 days, have you consulted or sought help?
P904: What was the main reason for NOT consulting or seeking help?
P905: Did you receive the requested care from your health service for the problems that you have experienced?
SABE Ecuador (2009) E9: In the last year—did not take medication
F3_2: In the last year—did not consult even if needed it
F20aL: These exams (radiographies) were performed (for people who need medical attention)
C.17 In the last year have you been cared for by a dentist?
13 Thai health and welfare survey (HWS) (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017) UN1 (out-patient): Was there any time during the last 12 months when you were sick and needed a medical treatment but you did not receive it?
UN3 (in-patient): Was there any time during the last 12 months when you needed or were recommended by medical doctor to admit to a health facility but you did not receive it?
14 Health examination survey (THES) (2016) A5010: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care?
15 Vietnam national aging survey (VNAS) (2011) I18: During the last 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities?
I20: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries over the last 12 months?
I21: Do you think that you needed treatment?
16 Survey on older persons and Social Health Insurance (OP&SHI) (2019) Q0604: During the last 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities?
Q0606: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries?
Q0610: Do you think that you needed treatment?
17 Tunisia world health survey (WHS) (2003) Q7004: The last time you [your child] needed health care, did you get health care?
A4045: During the last 12 months, have you had any problems with your mouth and/or teeth (this includes problems with swallowing)?
18 World values survey (WVS) wave 6 (2010–2014) V190: In the last 12 month, how often have you or your family gone without medicine or medical treatment that you needed?
World values survey (WVS) wave 7 (2017–2021) Q53: In the last 12 months, how often have your or your family…gone without medicine or medical treatment that you needed?