Table 2.
Examples of unmet need questions by study
Survey (year) | Question(s) | |
1 | Brazilian longitudinal study of aging (ELSI-Brazil) (2015) | U32: Have you looked for a health service to get an appointment related to your health, in the PAST 2 weeks |
U34: Were you immediately taken care of on the first time you sought care in this health service in the PAST 2 weeks? | ||
U35: What was the reason for not being taken care of on the first time you sought care in this health service in the PAST 2 weeks? | ||
U36: In this latest appointment, within the PAST 2 Weeks, were you prescribed any medication? | ||
U37: Were you able to get all the medication that was prescribed to you on your latest appointment within the PAST 2 weeks? | ||
U38: Why didn’t you get all the medication that was prescribed to you on your latest appointment within the PAST 2 weeks? | ||
T6: In the PAST 30 days, due to financial issues, you: | ||
(1) Had no financial issues to buy the medication(s) | ||
(2) Did not take a medication that was prescribed by a doctor or a dentist | ||
(3) Decrease the number of pills of the medication(s) that were prescribed by the doctor | ||
(4) Decreased the dose of the medication, breaking the pills or taking less drops | ||
(5) Didn’t use medication(s) | ||
(9) Didn’t know/didn’t answer | ||
2 | Cambodia elderly survey (CES) (2004) | G20: During the past year, were there any times that you were sick or injured? |
G21: For how many days, if any, during the last year would you say you were unable to perform your usual activities because of these illnesses or injuries? | ||
G22: Did you receive any professional treatment or take any medicines for these illnesses or injuries over the past year? | ||
G23: Do you think that you needed such treatment or medicines? | ||
G24: What were the reasons that you did not receive this treatment? | ||
3 | Commonwealth fund international health policy survey (CMWF) (2017) | QN810: During the past 12 months, was there a time when you: |
qn810_a1: Did not fill/collect a prescription for medicine, or you skipped doses of your medicine because of the cost | ||
QN810_a2: Had a medical problem but did not consult with/visit a doctor because of the cost | ||
QN810_a3: Skipped a medical test, treatment, or follow-up that was recommended by a doctor because of the cost | ||
QN810_a4: Did not visit a dentist when you needed to because of the cost | ||
4 | Integrated household survey (IHS), The Gambia (2016) | S2aq3_1: During the last 2 weeks, what symptoms has [name] suffered from? |
S2aq4_1: Did [NAME] consult a health provider for this illness/injury last 2 weeks for MAIN illness? | ||
S2aq5_1: What was the main reason that [NAME] did not visit a health practitioner during his/her illness? | ||
S2aq3_2: During the last 2 weeks, what symptoms has [name] suffered from? | ||
S2aq4_2: Did [NAME] consult a health provider for this illness/injury last 2 weeks for SECONDARY illness? | ||
5 | Mexican health and aging study (MHAS) (2001–2018) | [2001 and 2003] D15: In the last 5 years, was there at least one instance when you had a serious health problem but you did not go to the doctor? |
[2012, 2015, 2018] d15_15: Last 2 years: Did respondent have a serious health problem but not seek a doctor? | ||
6 | Myanmar aging study (MAS) (2012) | J41: During the past 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities? |
J42: Because of illnesses or injuries during the last 12 months, how many days were you unable to perform your usual activities because of these? | ||
J43: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries? | ||
J44: Do you think that you needed treatment? | ||
7 | Myanmar survey on accessing healthcare to older persons (2016) | C1: During the past 12 months, were there any time that you were sick or injured and needed health care? |
C3: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care? | ||
8 | Study of global AGEing and adult health (SAGE) Mongolia (2018) | Q5002: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care? |
9 | New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) | A2.06: In the past 12 months, has there been a time when you wanted to see a GP, nurse or other health care worker at your usual medical centre within the next 24 h, but they were unable to see you? |
10 | Puerto Rican Elderly: health conditions (PREHCO) (2003, 2007) | J1/WJ1 Could you tell me how many medications, prescribed by a doctor, you have been taking regularly in the last year? |
J12/WJ12 During the last year, have you stopped taking or have you taken less of any medication that was prescribed because you could not afford it? | ||
K48/WK48 In the last 12 months, were you ever told you should get an x-ray or have laboratory tests done, not including those for a hospitalization? K49/WK49 Did you have those tests done? | ||
K60/WK60 In the last 2 years, have you needed medical attention that you could not get? | ||
11 | SAGE wave 1 (Ghana, India, China, Mexico, Russia, South Africa) and Wave 2 (Ghana, Mexico, South Africa) (2007–2019) | Q5001: When was the last time that you needed health care? |
Q5002: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care? | ||
Q5003a. What was the main reason you needed care, even if you did not get care? | ||
Q4067: During the last 12 months, have you had any problems with your mouth and/or teeth, including problems with swallowing? | ||
Q4068a: Have you received any medications or treatment from a dentist or other oral health specialist during the last 2 weeks? | ||
Q4068b: Have you received any medications or treatment from a dentist or other oral health specialist during the last 12 months? | ||
12 | Survey on health, well-being, and aging (SABE) Colombia (2015) | P902: During the last 30 days, have you had any health problems? |
P903: For any of the health problems you have had in the last 30 days, have you consulted or sought help? | ||
P904: What was the main reason for NOT consulting or seeking help? | ||
P905: Did you receive the requested care from your health service for the problems that you have experienced? | ||
SABE Ecuador (2009) | E9: In the last year—did not take medication | |
F3_2: In the last year—did not consult even if needed it | ||
F20aL: These exams (radiographies) were performed (for people who need medical attention) | ||
C.17 In the last year have you been cared for by a dentist? | ||
13 | Thai health and welfare survey (HWS) (2011, 2013, 2015, 2017) | UN1 (out-patient): Was there any time during the last 12 months when you were sick and needed a medical treatment but you did not receive it? |
UN3 (in-patient): Was there any time during the last 12 months when you needed or were recommended by medical doctor to admit to a health facility but you did not receive it? | ||
14 | Health examination survey (THES) (2016) | A5010: The last time you needed health care, did you get health care? |
15 | Vietnam national aging survey (VNAS) (2011) | I18: During the last 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities? |
I20: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries over the last 12 months? | ||
I21: Do you think that you needed treatment? | ||
16 | Survey on older persons and Social Health Insurance (OP&SHI) (2019) | Q0604: During the last 12 months, were there any times that you were sick or injured that prevented you from performing your usual activities? |
Q0606: Did you receive any professional treatment for these illnesses or injuries? | ||
Q0610: Do you think that you needed treatment? | ||
17 | Tunisia world health survey (WHS) (2003) | Q7004: The last time you [your child] needed health care, did you get health care? |
A4045: During the last 12 months, have you had any problems with your mouth and/or teeth (this includes problems with swallowing)? | ||
18 | World values survey (WVS) wave 6 (2010–2014) | V190: In the last 12 month, how often have you or your family gone without medicine or medical treatment that you needed? |
World values survey (WVS) wave 7 (2017–2021) | Q53: In the last 12 months, how often have your or your family…gone without medicine or medical treatment that you needed? |