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. 2023 Sep 15;18(9):e0291635. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0291635

Table 5. EMPRO results: psychometric values of each version of the DUFSS questionnaire.

Attributes 14-Items 11-Items 8-Items 5-Items
Conceptual and measurement model 35.71 54.76 35.71 35.71
1. Concept of measurement stated +++I +++I +++I +++I
2. Obtaining and combining items described ++ +++ ++ ++
3. Rationality for dimensionality and scales +++ +++ ++I +++
4. Involvement of target population + ++ + +
5. Scale variability described and adequate + +++ +I +
6. Level of measurement described ++ ++ ++ ++
7. Procedures for deriving scores ++ ++ ++ ++
Reliability 41.66 70.83 44.44 25
Internal consistency 41.66 70.83 44.44 25
8. Data collection methods described +++ +++I ++I ++
9. Cronbach’s alpha adequate ++++ +++ +++I +++
10. IRT estimates provided NI +++ NI NI
11. Testing in different populations NI +++ NI NI
Reproducibility - 45.83 - -
12. Data collection methods described NI +++I NI NI
13. Test–retest and time interval adequate NI ++ NI NI
14. Reproducibility coefficients adequate + +++ NI NI
15. IRT* estimates provided NI NI NI NI
Validity 26.67 66.67 62.50 25
16. Content validity adequate + ++ +I +
17. Construct/criterion validity adequate ++ +++I ++I ++
18. Sample composition described +++ +++I ++++ +++I
19. Prior hypothesis stated ++ +++ +++I NI
20. Rational for criterion validity NA NA NA ++
21. Tested in different populations + +++ NA +
Responsiveness - 33.33 - -
22. Adequacy of methods NI +++ NI NI
23. Description of estimated magnitude of change NI ++ NI NI
24. Comparison of stable and unstable groups NI NI NI NI
Interpretability 33.33 44.44 38.89 33.33
25. Rational of external criteria ++ +++ ++I ++
26. Description of interpretation strategies NI ++ NI NI
27. How data should be reported stated +++ ++ +++ +++
Overall score 27.48 54.01 36.31 23.81
Burden: respondent 33.33 66.67 38.89 33.33
28. Skills and time needed +I +++I ++ +I
29. Impact on respondents +I ++I ++ +I
30. Not suitable circumstances +++ +++ ++I +++
Burden: administrative 33.33 50.00 66.67 66.67
31. Resources required NI +++ ++I +++
32. Time required NA NA NA NA
33. Training and expertise needed NA NA NA NA
34. Burden of score calculation +++ ++ +++I +++

Ítems Score: + 1 point, I ½ point, NI no information, NA. not applicable.

*IRT (Item Response Theory)