Effects of Chronic GLP-1 on Atrial Fibrosis in db/db Mice
(A, B) Representative images showing patterns of interstitial fibrosis (red staining) in right (A) and left (B) atria of wild-type, db/dbsaline, and db/dbGLP-1 mice. Bars = 50 μm. (C,D) Summary of right (C) and left (D) atrial fibrosis. Data analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with Holm-Sidak post hoc test. For right atrium, n = 3 wild-type, 5 db/dbsaline, and 5 db/dbGLP-1 mice. For left atrium, n = 6 wild-type, 6 db/dbsaline, and 7 db/dbGLP-1 mice. (E-F) Messenger RNA expression of Col1a(E) and Col3a(F) in the left atrium in wild-type, db/dbsaline, and db/dbGLP-1 mice. Data analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with Holm-Sidak post hoc test, n = 11 wild-type, 12, db/dbsaline, and 13 db/dbGLP-1 mice. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗∗∗P < 0.001. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.