Figure 5.
CRISPR-Cas9 editing of rs2027349 alters neural network and electrophysiological activity in NGN2-Glut
(A and B) Example raster plots of neuronal firing events in MEA.
(C and D) Mean firing rate and burst numbers in day 50, 53, and 56 NGN2-Glut with different rs2027349 genotypes from two independent experiments. Each point represents one replicate. Kruskal-Wallis (non-parametric) test; ∗∗∗p < 0.001.
(E) Representative two-photon pseudo-color Ca2+ imaging time-series images showing a neuron and its firing activities in a 275 s span; scale bar: 20 μm.
(F and G) Representative neuron firing signals from five cells of genotype AA (F) or GG (G).
(H–J) Ca2+ transient frequency and amplitudes in AA (n = 124) and GG (n = 166) neurons from two independent experiments. (H) Cumulative probability plot of Ca2+ transient interevent intervals (IEIs) in AA and GG neurons, two-sample KS test, two-tailed; p < 0.001. (I) Violin and boxplot showing the distribution of Ca2+ transient frequency in AA and GG neurons. Yellow point indicates the mean. Student’s t test (non-parametric, two-tailed); ∗∗∗p < 0.001.
(J) Violin and boxplot showing the amplitude (dF/F0) distribution in AA and GG neurons. Yellow point indicates the mean. Student’s t test (non-parametric, two-tailed); ∗p < 0.05. Data were obtained from two clones per genotype of donor line CD0000011. Consistent results for the second donor (CD0000012) are shown in Figure S6.