Copy number confirmation of CYP1B1, CYP2C9, and CYP2E1. Primers for real-time PCR located in exon 1 and exon 2 of CYP1B1, exons 4 and 7 of CYP2C9, exons 8 and 9 of CYP2E1 were used to confirm CNVs detected by MLPA in these genes. REF: reference samples, in which MLPA showing 2 copies of gene of interest. (A) Heterozygous duplications of CYP1B1 detected in both FVN 96 and MVN 21. (B) Heterozygous deletions of CYP2C9 were found in both MVN 21 and MVN 23. (C) Copy number confirmation of CYP2E1 showed that heterozygous deletion was detected in FVN 73 while heterozygous duplications were identified in FVN 46, FVN 98, Kinh 712 and DB98. CNVs, copy number variations; MLPA, multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification.