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. 2023 Sep 18;3:97. doi: 10.1038/s43705-023-00307-8

Fig. 5. Viral diversity, relative abundance, and clustering with known phages.

Fig. 5

Shannon-Wiener Index for vOTUs for the four different sample types (a). Relative abundance of viral clusters (VC) including the top 100 abundant vOTUs show an increase in relative abundance of certain VC in slick SML (VC_1425_0 & VC_988_0), while other VC decreased in relative abundance (VC1424_0 or VC_572_0) compared to reference samples. Further information about VCs and closest associated viruses is given in Table S6. Outliers and singletons refer to unclustered, presumably unknown viruses (b). Many vOTUs (nodes) from this study clustered with known phages of Flavobacterium, Pelagibacter, or Synechococcus based on shared protein clusters (interactions with known phages indicated by eleven purple frames) with a virus reference database from July 2022. Several vOTUs clustered only with other vOTUs from this study indicating unknown viruses (c). FL free-living fraction (5–0.2 µm), PA particle-associated fraction (>5 µm), SML sea-surface microlayer, SSW subsurface water (~70 cm depth), Vir viral fraction (<0.2 µm).