Fig. 1.
Biochemical analyses. A-H Spectrophotometric quantitation of phenols (panels A, E, C, and G) and flavonoids (panels B, D, F, and H) in the different pure (WL, 50WE, 70WE, and E) or aqueous (aq) extracts obtained from common mallow leaves (panels A, B, E, and F) and flowers (panels C, D, G, and H). Results are expressed as mean ± s.d. of four independent measurements (**p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001) and reported as µg of standard equivalent per mg of fresh material weight (FMW). I-J) HPLC–DAD profiles acquired at 280 nm. Representative chromatograms relative to 50WEL and 50WEF samples (in black) and their corresponding aqueous extracts (aq; in red) are shown in overlapping modality. K-L) Spectrophotometric characterization of the anthocyanins (Cyanidin, CYN; Delphinidine, DEL; Malvidine-3-glucoside, MAL3G; Pelargonidin, PLG; Peonidin, PEO; Petunidin-3-glucoside, PTD3G) from pure (panel K) and aqueous (aq; panel L) M. sylvestris flower extracts (WF, 50WEF, 70 WEF, EF). Results are expressed as mean ± s.d. of three independent measurements and reported as µg of standard equivalent per mg of fresh material weight (FMW) (*p < 0.05; **p < 0.01)