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. 2023 Sep 19;46(1):251. doi: 10.1007/s10143-023-02153-7

Table 1.

Summary of the characteristics of the included studies

Reference Study Country Study design Total no Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria Study arms Main findings Age (mean ± SD, or range)  Male (%)
Arm 1 (drain) Arm 2 (no drain) Arm 1 (drain) Arm 2 (no drain) Arm 1 (drain) Arm 2 (no drain)
[13] Guilfoyle (2017) England RCT 215 - - 108 107

- At 5 years following surgery, the drain group continued to have significantly better survival than the no drain patients (P = 0.027)

- Survival of patients in the drain group did not differ significantly from that of the general population whereas patients who did not receive a drain had significantly lower survival than expected (P = 0.0006)

Both age of 78 years (range 35–95) 74 26
[17] Ayyappan Kutty (2013) Turkey RCT 140 All patients with radiologically proven chronic subdural hematoma, who had undergone burr hole evacuation for the same, between May 2005 and April 2011

1. Age less than 18 years

2. Oral anticoagulant use (warfarin)

3. Patients with bleeding diathesis

70 70

- 11 out of 70 in no drain group had recurrence

- Only 2 in no drain group had recurrence

Both mean age 64.86 years and a median of 66 years 79 83
[15] Suryanarayanan (2014) India RCT 200 Patients with cSDH

1. Patients with ipsilateral hematomas who had undergone CSF diversion within 6 months of presentation

2. Patients in whom surgery other than burr-hole evacuation was indicated

3. Patients not needing surgical treatment because of size of cSDH or clinical status of patients

4. Patients in whom brain completely surfaced after burr-hole drainage of CSDH

100 100

- The recurrence between the two groups was statistically significant (P = 0.002) decrease in draining group

- The difference for mortality in the two groups was statistically not significant (P = 0.744)

- - -
[14] Santarius (2009) United Kingdom RCT 215 Patients with cSDH

1. Patients with ipsilateral hematoma who had been treated within 6 months of presentation with a shunt for cerebrospinal fluid diversion in situ

2. Those in whom surgery other than burr-hole evacuation was indicated

3.Those in whom the operating surgeon judged drain insertion unsafe were also excluded

108 107

- The rate of recurrence was significantly lower in the drain than in the no-drain group

- Time-to-recurrence was longer in the drain

- Mortality did not differ between groups

- A discharge GCS of 15 was recorded in more participants with a drain than in those without

- 77 72
[21] Laumer (1989) Germany RCT 144 Patients with cSDH - 97 47

- The rate of recurrence was significantly lower in the drain than in the no-drain group

- High incidence of infection after operation in external drainage

- No difference in incidence of seizure after operation between two groups

- - -
[22] Tsutsumi (1997) Japan RCT 90

cSDH was defined as including:

1. The presence of a typical neomembrane

2. Typical liquified blood within the hematoma cavity

3. If following acute SDH, at least 3 weeks had passed

1. Hygromas

2. Infantile cSDHs, calcified or ossified cSDHs

3. Asymptomatic cSDHs

53 37

- The rate of recurrence was significantly lower in the drain than in the no-drain group

- The operative methods were correlated with magnetic resonance findings. In the high-intensity group, 1.1% of cSDHs recurred in patients in whom closed system drainage was used and 11.1% in patients without drainage

- In the nonhigh-intensity group, 8.1% of cSDHs recurred in patients in whom closed system drainage was used and 23.1% in patients without drainage

- - -
[18] Erol (2005) Turkey RCT 70  -  - 35 35 The most common etiological factor was trauma, complete resolution in the early period was higher in group B (burr-hole craniostomy-closed system drainage) compared to group A (burr-hole craniostomy-irrigation) (60% vs. 40%). Recurrence rates were 17% in group A and 14% in group B 0–20, 1; 40–60, 12; > 60, 22 20–40, 3; 40–60, 13; > 60, 19 77% total men in the study
[16] Carlsen (2011) Denmark Cohort study 344 Difference protocols were used, patients unavailable for follow-up, re-operated because of acute subdural hematoma and primarily operated by craniotomy 206 138 There were no differences in the complication rates. Postoperative drainage reduces recurrence of chronic subdural hematoma without increasing the complication rate - -
[19] Gurelik (2007) Turkey Randomized trial 80  -  - 42 38

- No significant difference between recurrence rates of the two groups

- No correlation between recurrence rate and age, sex, hematoma localization, or etiology

58.4 59.2 67 58
[20] Javadi (2011) Iran RCT 40  -

1. Child (18 years)

2. Midline shift 5 mm

3. Postshunt hematoma

4. Organized hematoma

5. Metastatic hematoma

6. Calcified hematoma

20 20

- Loss of consciousness, and headache were the most common presentations

- Recurrence occurred in one patient (5%) in burr-hole irrigation without drainage

68 ± 17 65 ± 19 65 75

Abbreviations: cSDH chronic subdural hematoma, CSF cerebrospinal fluid, RCT randomized controlled trial, SD standard deviation