Knockdown of transcription factors predicted to drive differential gene expression after RO48 treatment affects neurite outgrowth. (A,B) Results from Figure 4 for those transcription factors considered significant. (A) Transcription factors for which knockdown produced a significant change to neurite outgrowth for DMSO treatment (closed circles), with RO48 treatment (open circles, gray) shown for comparison. (B) Transcription factors for which knockdown produced a significant change to neurite outgrowth for RO48 treatment (open circles), with DMSO treatment (closed circles, gray) shown for comparison. N = 4; one-sample t test, p < 0.05. Error bars indicate ±95% CI. (C) Representative images of hippocampal neurons after transcription factor knockdown and treatment with either DMSO or RO48. Top panels: Representative images of a reduced neurite outgrowth hit (Foxo3), a nonhit (Dmrt3), and an increased neurite outgrowth hit (Foxn2) for DMSO-treated neurons. Bottom panels: Representative images of a reduced neurite outgrowth hit (Foxo3), a nonhit (Dmrt3), and a hit for increased neurite outgrowth (Foxp2) for RO48-treated neurons. Scale bar indicates 200 μm.