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. 2022 Jul 14;1(3):91–98. doi: 10.1016/j.jacig.2022.05.005

Table I.

Differences between RSV and non-RSV bronchiolitis

Characteristic Total (n = 1,437)∗ RSV (n = 838) Non-RSV (n = 477) P value
Demographic characteristics
 Age (mo) 3 (1.5-7) 3 (1.5-6.5) 4 (2-7.5) <.01
 Sex (male) 814 (56.64%) 454 (54.17%) 281 (58.90%) .82
 Malnutrition 295 (20.52%) 153 (18.26%) 114 (23.89%) .01
 Previously healthy 1,059 (73.69%) 650 (77.57%) 332 (69.61%) .85
 Underlying conditions 378 (26.31%) 188 (22.43%) 145 (30.39%) <.01
 Heart disease 33 (2.29%) 16 (1.91%) 14 (2.93%)
 Neurologic disease 22 (1.53%) 10 (1.19%) 11 (2.31%)
 Malformations 17 (1.18%) 8 (0.95%) 6 (1.26%)
 Congenital infections 6 (0.42%) 6 (0.71%) 0 (0%)
 Endocrinologic disease 6 (0.42%) 4 (0.48%) 2 (0.42%)
 Hematologic disease 4 (0.28%) 3 (0.36%) 1 (0.21%)
 Others 10 (0.69%) 6 (0.71%) 3 (0.63%)
 Preterm births 280 (19.48%) 135 (16.11%) 108 (22.64%)
 With other comorbidities 58 (4.10%) 24 (2.86%) 25 (5.24%)
 Without other comorbidities 222 (15.44%) 111 (13.24%) 83 (17.40%)
 Prematurity: gestational age (wk) 280 (19.48%) 135 (16.11%) 108 (22.64%) <.01
 <28 30 (2.10%) 13 (1.55%) 15 (3.14%) .07
 28-31 (+ 6) 41 (2.85%) 11 (1.31%) 21 (4.40%) <.01
 32-36 (+ 6) 209 (14.54%) 111 (13.24%) 72 (15.10%) .36
Laboratory test results
 Hemoglobin level (g/dL) 11.2 (10.2-12.5) 11.1 (10.2-12.2) 11.2 (10.4-12) .91
 WBC count 11,500 (9,000-14,800) 11,300 (8,750-14,600) 12,200 (9,000-14,550) .37
 Absolute neutrophil count 4,900 (3,200-7,200) 4,800 (3,000-7,000) 5,000 (3,300-7,975) .41
 Absolute lymphocyte count 4,600 (3,400-6,200) 4,650 (3,400-15,300) 4,450 (3,475-6,200) .84
 CRP level (mg/dL) 1.6 (0.5-3.7) 1.65 (0.6-4.15) 1.5 (0.5-3.45) .42
Radiologic findings
 Radiologic evaluation 579 (40.3%) 359 (42.8%) 183 (38.4%) .11
 No pathologic findings 292 (50.4%) 173 (48.2%) 93 (50.8%) .58
 Atelectasis 46 (7.9%) 37 (10.3%) 8(4.3%) .02
 Focal consolidation 238 (41.1%) 146 (40.6%) 82 (44.8%) .35
 Pneumothorax 3 (0.5%) 3 (0.8%) 0 (0%) .55
 Antibiotics 386 (26.86%) 241 (28.75%) 125 (26.20%) .33
 Bronchodilators 1,113 (77.45%) 617 (73.62%) 392 (82.18%) <.01
 Systemic steroids 131 (9.12%) 59 (7.10%) 60 (12.57%) <.01
 Intravenous fluids 499 (34.72%) 348 (41.52%) 124 (25.99%) <.01
 Enteral feeding 236 (16.42%) 177 (21.12%) 53 (11.11%) <.01
Parameters of disease severity
 Severity score ≥8 433 (30.13%) 305 (36.39%) 102 (21.38%) <.01
 Apnea 173 (12.03%) 108 (12.88%) 60 (12.57%) .93
 LOS (d) 4 (3-5.7) 5 (3-7) 4 (2-6) <.01
 Received O2 1,319 (91.78%) 800 (95.46%) 415 (87.01%) <.01
 Duration of O2 therapy (d) 3 (2-6) 4 (2-6) 2 (1-5) <.01
 HFNC 448 (31.17%) 310 (36.99%) 113 (23.68%) <.01
 PICU admission 230 (16.01%) 174 (20.76%) 51 (10.69%) <.01
 Time in PICU (d) 4 (2-7) 4 (2-6.5) 3 (2-7) .09
 CPAP/BiPAP 206 (14.33%) 159 (18.97%) 42 (8.81%) <.01
 MV 28 (1.94%) 22 (2.62%) 4 (0.83%) <.01

This table displays total bronchiolitis cases (ie, RSV bronchiolitis and non-RSV bronchiolitis cases) but patients not tested were excluded. Wood-Downes severity scores higher than 8 are considered severe. The treatment section reflects the need for antibiotics, bronchodilators, steroids, intravenous fluids, or enteral nutrition at any time during admission. In 122 cases, no viral testing was performed. Continuous variables were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test, and categoric variables were analyzed by using the Fisher exact or chi-square test. Data are reported as medians and IQRs (25%-75%). Boldface indicates statistical significance.

CRP, C-reactive protein; MV, mechanical ventilation; WBC, white blood cell.