Data for Sn(Oct)2-catalyzed chemical recycling of PLLA
to l-LA. (a) Arrhenius plot for PLLA depolymerizations allowing
determination of the activation energy (Ea). Plot of ln(kobs) vs 1/T applies data collected at 160–180 °C; reactions repeated
in triplicate; the errors are determined as the standard deviations
of the mean. (b) Plots of PLLA mass loss vs time using various Sn(Oct)2 loadings. Experiments were conducted using 1:1000, 1:2000,
1:3000, 1:4000, 1:5000, and 1:6000 Sn:PLLA loadings, at 160 °C;
reactions were repeated in triplicate. (c) Determination of the dependence
of rate on catalyst concentration. Plots of ln(kobs) vs ln([Sn(Oct)2]0); the errors are
determined from triplicate runs as the standard deviations of the
mean. (d) Potential mechanism for Sn(Oct)2-catalyzed PLLA