Fig. 7.
Retrograde transport of Wls to the Golgi is impaired in MON2-KO cells. a, Representative confocal images of HA-Wls, EGFP-SNX3, and TagRFP-RAB4B in HEK293 WT or MON2-KO cells. Enlarged images show magnified views of the boxed areas. Images were taken at the indicated times after chasing of surface-labeled HA-Wls. Scale bars, 10 μm. See Supplemental Figure S6a and b for quantitative analyses. b, Representative confocal images of HA-Wls, EGFP-RAB4B, and Scarlet-Giantin in HEK293 WT or MON2-KO cells. The enlarged images show magnified views of the boxed areas. Images were taken at the indicated times after chasing of surfaced-labeled HA-Wls. Scale bars, 10 μm. See Supplemental Figure S6c and d for quantitative analyses.