Extended Data Fig. 9. Incidence of stunting by age and national percentage of individuals living on less than $1.90 US per day.
Proportion of children experiencing incident stunting onset by national percentage of individuals living on less than $1.90 US per day (0–18%: N = 9–14 studies, N = 6,156–23,493 children; 18–28%: N = 7–10 studies, N = 1,602–14,639 children; 28–100%: N = 5–11 studies, N = 2,333–7,622 children). “0–3” includes age 2 days up to 3 months. Analyses include cohorts with at least quarterly measurements; vertical bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. Gray points indicate cohort-specific estimates. Pooled results were derived from random effects models with restricted maximum likelihood estimation.