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. 2023 Aug 9;621(7979):536–542. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06394-w

Extended Data Fig. 4. Generalized Additive Mixed Model (GAMM) results (R2 = 0.79) showing key local land-sea human impacts and environmental factors that modified coral response to the 2015 marine heatwave.

Extended Data Fig. 4

Positive and negative relationships reduce or increase coral loss, respectively. Because changes in coral cover following disturbance can be affected by variations in starting condition (reefs with higher initial cover have greater scope for loss, and vice versa)91 we modelled relative coral cover change following ref. 92 to ensure comparability across reefs (see Methods). Median values with shaded region representing the 80% confidence interval. The relative importance of factors among all models (i.e., sum of AICc model weights across all models containing each factor) was as follows: sediment input (0.99), scraper biomass (0.99), total fish biomass (0.90), urban runoff (0.60), phytoplankton biomass (0.38), wastewater pollution (0.28), peak rainfall (0.20), nutrient loading (0.19), grazer biomass (0.16), DHW (0.08), wave power (0.07), depth (0.06), and fishing gear restrictions (0.05). See Extended Data Table 1 for full list of local land-sea human impacts and environmental factors included in the analysis, including those removed that were highly correlated (Fig. S5). See Fig. S6 for predictor variable distributions.