Figure 3.
GUL-1 interacts with multiple proteins. (A) VENN diagram of specific or shared enriched proteins, associated with the tested treatments. (B) A heatmap presenting the average scaled (z-score) enrichment, by –log10 P-value of GUL1 co-immunoprecipitation proteins. The enriched proteins were annotated based on KEGG categories. The proteins were clustered by (I) enrichment for all three treatments, (II) exclusive enrichment in GUL-1 under standard growth conditions, (III) enrichment in both GUL-1 and GUL-1 no nitrogen growth conditions, (IV) enrichment unique to GUL-1 with no nitrogen, (V) shared enrichment between GUL-1 no nitrogen and GUL-1 +Nikkomycin Z growth conditions, (VI) unique enrichment for GUL-1 +Nikkomycin Z, and (VIII) shared enrichment between GUL-1 and GUL-1 + Nikkomycin Z growth conditions. Non-significant observations (P > 0.05) were adjusted to 0, to emphasize enriched values. STRING-predicted protein-protein association is presented for enriched proteins of (C) GUL-1, (D) GUL-1 with no nitrogen, and (E) GUL-1 + Nikkomycin Z. Nodes represent enriched proteins, while edges mark predicted associations. Only connected nodes are displayed. The networks were all clustered by GLay community structure algorithms for network clustering. Colored nodes indicate STRING KEGG pathway enrichment. Labeled pathways are at the highest available clustering level (i.e., “Metabolic pathway” or “Carbohydrate metabolism” are redundant when “Glycolysis” pathway is enriched). The full list of enriched categories can be found Supplementary Table 5.