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. 2023 Jun 30;43(2):157–163. doi: 10.7705/biomedica.6603

Table 1. Published cases of bone involvement in non-congenital syphilis and the two cases presented here.

Authors (Year) Age sex HIV status Radiographic examination Localization of lesions Symptoms and signs Stage of syphilis Treatment Length of treatment Response
Lefkovits AM, et al. (1946) 22/M No Nodular lesion and erosion of the outer layer Skull Headache, alopecia, generalized lymphadeno-pathy Secondary Procaine penicillin G Two and a half weeks Decreased in size at three months
Kellock IA, et al. (1956) 47/M No Mixed lytic and sclerotic lesion Skull, tibia, humerus, femur, elbow Bone pain, weight loss, headache Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Ten days Improvement of images at five months
Bauer MF, et al. (1967) 26/W No Osteolytic lesion in frontal bone Frontal bone Headache, maculopapular rash Secondary Procaine penicillin G Ten days Partial resolution at three months
Parker JDJ. (1972) 35/M No Periosteal reaction Tibias Leg pain with paraesthesia of the ankles Secondary Cephalori-dine Two weeks Almost complete resolution of images at 11 months
Tigh RR, et al. (1976) 20/M No Multiple areas of increased uptakea Skull, sternum, and clavicle Headache, myalgia, maculo-papular rash, cervical lymphadenopathy Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Ten days Loss at follow-up
Longstreth P, et al. (1976) 30/M No Bone resorption of the distal clavicle Clavicle Headache, shoulder pain, alopecia, splenomegaly Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Three weeks Recalcification at one month
Erlich R, et al. (1976) 25/M No Multiple lytic lesions Tibia, fibula, ulna, radius Headache, myalgia, ankle pain, maculopapular rash Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Two and a half weeks Imaging resolution at three months
Dismukes WE, et al. (1976) 32/M No Multiple osteolytic lesions Clavicle, frontal and parietal bone Headache, fever, weight loss, generalized lymphadenopathy, maculopapular rash Secondary Procaine penicillin G Ten days Asymptomatic
Shore RN, et al. (1977) 37/M No Multiple lytic lesions Tibia, fibula, radius, and ulna bilaterally Pain in leg, ankles and arms, maculo-papular rash Secondary Procaine penicillin G Ten days --
Graudal C, et al. (1981) 42/M No Osteitis changesa Tibia Left leg pain, fever, sore throat, weight lost Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Ten days Imaging resolution after treatment
Petersen LR, et al. (1983) 48/M No Diffuse increased activitya Ribs, long bones, and spine Leg and back pain, headache, papular rash Secondary Parenteral penicillin G Ten days Asymptomatic at two months
Hansen K, et al. (1984) 31/M No Multiple areas of increased uptakea Parietal, occipital, maxillary, mandibular, ribs, humerus, femur Headache, fever Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Five months 50% reduction in activity at nine months
Veerapen K, et al. (1985) 35/W No Increased uptakea Frontal bone and tibia Neck and leg pain Secondary Procaine penicillin G Ten days No changes in the images at six months
Meier JL, et al. (1986) 37/M No Increased activitya Tibias Fever, leg pain, headache Early syphilis Penicillin Ten days Asymptomatic at one year
Rodriguez S, et al. (1988) 39/M No Dense bony sclerosis T10, L1 and L5 vertebral bodies Weight loss Tertiary Procaine penicillin G One month Asymptomatic at three months
Ollé-Goig JE, et al. (1988) 32/W No Multiple diffuse intracortical destructive lesions Tibias, fibulas Leg pain, weight loss, headache Secondary Procaine penicillin G Ten days Asymptomatic at six months
21/M No Osteolytic lesión Frontal and parietal bone Asthenia, headache, generalized lymphadenopathy, maculopapular rash Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Ten days Asymptomatic at two months
Middleton S, et al. (1990) 31/M No Increased uptakea Tibias, ulnas, and frontal bone Leg and forearm pain Secondary Benetha- mine penicillin Ten days Imaging resolution at four months
Kastner RJ, et al. (1994) 25/M No Increased uptakea Ulna, skull, and radius Maculo-papular rash, generalized lymphadenopathy Secondary Procaine penicillin G Two weeks Markedly diminished uptake at 30 days
Chung KY, et al. (1994) 29/W No Round osteolytic lesions Frontal, temporal, and parietal bones Headache, maculopapular rash Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Three weeks
Rademacher 27/W No Periosteal elevation Tibias, calcaneus Headache, fever, Secondary Intrave-nous Two weeks Lost at follow-up
SE, et al. (1996) 34/M Yes with periostitis Cortical thickeninga Tibias ulcerative rash, and shin and heel pain Fever, chills, night sweats, weight loss, painful skin lesions penicillin G Intrave-nous penicillin G then benzathine penicillin One month Asymptomatic at nine months
Gurland IA, et al. (2001) 20/M Yes Multiple lytic lesions Skull Painful nodules Secondary Procaine penicillin G Three weeks --
Coyne K, et al. (2006) 36/M Yes Periostitis Humerus, femur, tibia, fibula, and skull Headache, fever, and sweats, maculopapular rash Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Two weeks Imaging resolution at three months
Huang I, et al. (2007) 40/M Yes Multiple lytic lesions, “worm eaten” appearance Frontal and parietal bone Headache Secondary Penicillin One and a half months Asymptomatic resolution at 1.5 months
Kandelaki G, et al. (2007) 20/M Yes Destructive lesion Sternal bone Painful lump on chest and maculo-papular rash Secondary Procaine penicillin G Two weeks Imaging resolution at six weeks
Denes E. (2009) 37/M Yes Increased uptakea Tibia, radius, and skull Leg pain, loss of appetite and weight, skin ulcerations Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Six weeks Asymptomatic at two months
Naraghi AM, et al. (2010) 64/M Yes Hetero-geneous activitya Tibias, fibula, femur, skull, orbit Leg pain Early syphilis Benzhatine penicillin G Three weeks Imaging resolution at three years
Samarkos M, et al. (2011) 25/M Yes Increased uptakea Skull, ribs Headache, maculopapular rash Secondary Intrave-nous penicillin G - Imaging resolution at three months
Liu Z-Y, et al. (2011) 62/M No Focal osteolytic lesions and onionlike periosteal reaction Tibia and fibula Leg pain Late latent syphilis Penicillin G One and a half months Imaging resolution at 1.5 months
Egan KM, et al. (2012) 41/M No Increased enhancementa Skull Headache and papular rash Secondary Procaine penicillin G Two weeks Asymptomatic at three months
Boix V, et al. (2013) 40/M Yes Osteolytic lesions and increased uptakea Skull, humerus, and ulna Fever, headache, weight loss, generalized lymphadenopathy Secondary Doxycy-cline and azithromycin Four months Imaging resolution at four months
Alraddadi B, et al. (2013) 32/M - Osteolytic lesion Skull Headache Secondary Intrave-nous penicillin G Two weeks Asymptomatic at two weeks
Park KH, et al. (2014) 41/M No Bone destruction and extra-skeletal soft tissue formation Multiple ribs and L5 vertebra Weight loss, maculopapular rash, and generalized lymphadenopathy Secondary Benzathine penicillin Three weeks Decreased uptake at six months
Bezaley S, et al. (2014) 20/M No Multiple osteolytic and sclerotic lesions with periosteal reaction Tibia, 11th rib, parietal bone, acromioclavicular joint, and sacroiliac joint Weight loss, leg, shoulder and rib pain, headache, maculopapular rash Secondary Penicillin - Asymptomatic at one month
Manríquez J, et al. (2014) 50/M No Increased uptakea Tibia Leg pain, maculopapular rash, generalized lymphadenopathy Secondary Benzathine penicillin G Three weeks -
Bai Y, et al. (2017) 44/M No Osteolytic lesion and new bone formation Bodies of L4 and L5 vertebras Low back pain, numbness below the knees, and inability to walk Tertiary Benzathine penicillin G Three weeks Imaging resolution at 12 months
Kamegai K, et al. (2022) 30/M Yes Osteolytic lesion Sternum and ribs Chest pain Tertiary Ceftriax-one 13 weeks Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed abnormal signals
Jankowska L, et al. (2022) 20/W Osteolytic lesion Clavicule Skin lesions, uveitis, bone pain Tertiary Penicillin 14 weeks Reduced tumor was observed

Bone scintigraphy