Biomedical applications of artificial exosomes for drug delivery in brain inflammatory illness and other brain diseases: (A) Exo-cur was obtained by gradient centrifugation after co-incubation of curcumin and EL-4 exosomes. (B) Electron microscopic images of EL-4 exosomes and Exo-cur. (C) Exo-cur can reduce IL-6 and TNF-α secretion after LPS stimulation. Reproduced with permission from Sun et al. (2010). (D) Nasal administration of MSC-Exo in SCI rats showed that MSC-Exo inherit MSC targeting capability, rendering them a suitable delivery system to the injured spinal cord. Reproduced with permission from Guo et al. (2019). (E) Pharmacokinetic profiles of tramadol in the brain and plasma (F) following administration of the drug in the nasal nanovesicular system (TRA NVS) compared to the nasal nonvesicular system (TRA NV) and oral administration (TRA PO). The TRA PO and TRA NV groups showed lower levels than the NVS-treated animals. Reproduced with permission from Touitou et al. (2021).