Fig. 4. Enhanced S/N decreases UV-enrichment* specificity.
AGPC acidic guanidinium thiocyanate–phenol-chloroform, I INP, L LEAP-RBP, SILAC SILAC LC–MS/MS analysis, SRA SRA analysis, E* significantly UV-enriched*, NE not E*. a Schematic illustration of the experimental approach. Heavy SILAC-labeled UV-crosslinked and light SILAC-labeled non-crosslinked cells were mixed prior to repeated AGPC extraction and isolation of RNP fractions by L or I methods. Graphic prepared in BioRender. b Volcano plots showing proteins identified as E* (red) or NE (blue) in I or L fractions by SILAC. Log2(CL/nCL) ratios were generated with SPICL values and average SPInCL values. Tested against the null hypothesis that protein log2(CL/nCL) ratios (n = 3 biologically independent samples) are equal to 0 using unpaired, upper-tailed, heteroscedastic t tests (RNA-binding proteins are expected to be recovered from UV-crosslinked cells in greater amounts). Correction for multiple hypothesis testing was performed using the Benjamini–Hochberg approach and a false-discovery rate of 5%. c GO-enrichment analysis of proteins identified as E* in I or L fractions by SILAC (Fisher’s Exact, two-tailed, correction for multiple hypothesis testing performed using the Benjamini–Hochberg approach and a false-discovery rate of 5%). d Venn diagram showing overlap of total and E* proteins identified in I and/or L fractions by SILAC. Pie charts showing the number of RBPs and non-RBPs identified as E* or NE in I or L fractions by SILAC. For information on protein ID assignment and protein lists for each category or GO term used in this study, see Supplementary Data 6 and 7. e Stacked bar charts showing the number of proteins with annotated RNA-binding or RNA-related functions identified as E* or NE in I or L fractions by SILAC. f Histograms showing average log2(CL/nCL) ratios of RBPs and non-RBPs identified in I or L fractions by SILAC. Font color for individual proteins reflects conclusions from SRA and immunoblot analysis of total clRNP fractions; red text: RNase-sensitive RBP; blue text: undetected or RNase-insensitive protein. Asterisks: E*. I and L SILAC LC–MS/MS experiments (a) were performed once with three biologically independent samples for each SILAC label group (CL, nCL). Source data are provided as Source Data file.