Fig. 3. AlphaFold dimeric structure of BUNV Gn and Gc fits reliably within our GP STA.
a, b AlphaFold generated an atomic model of the full-length Gn-Gc dimer. Gc in blue (fusion loop in orange), and Gn in pink with the N60 glycan on the Gn capping loop is highlighted in grey. c, d With only a minor rotation at an inter-domain region (Supplementary Fig. 4a, d), this model fitted well within the tripod STA (from Fig. 1; AlphaFold pdb found in Supplementary Data 1) in C3 symmetry (Gn-Gc ectodomains are shown; residues Gn 17-205, Gc 478-1382; no TMD). e, f The Gn ectodomain and the Gc fusion domain with the stalk subdomain II (residues 351–899) additionally fitted well within the floor region STA (from Fig. 2) in C3 symmetry. g, h A model of the BUNV GP envelope can be predicted, here showing three hetero-hexamers fitted within a floor STA. The Gn-Gc pairings are colour coded as follow; hexamer 1 purple-blue, hexamer 2 green-yellow, hexamer 3 pink-red. Supplementary Movie 2 also demonstrates this envelope model.