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. 2023 Jun 12;228(8):1865–1884. doi: 10.1007/s00429-023-02659-2

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Definition of regions of interest (ROIs) for analysis of metabolic connectivity. A List of 176 ROIs defined. A group of ROIs are defined for each structure at a given bregma level, e.g. CPr + 1.3, rostral caudoputamen at bregma + 1.3 mm. CPi/CPc, intermediate/caudal caudoputamen; SNr, substantia nigra pars reticulata; GPe, globus pallidus externus; PFC, prefrontal cortex (Cg1/Cg2, cingulate area 1/2. IL, infralimbic. PrL, prelimbic); M1/M2, primary/secondary motor cortex; TH, thalamic nuclei (AD, anterodorsal. AM, anteromedial. AV, anteroventral. CM, central medial. MD, mediodorsal. VA/VL, ventral anterior/ventrolateral. VM, ventromedial). B ROI definition for CPi domains at bregma + 0.1 mm as defined in (Hintiryan et al. 2016)(see also Fig. 8). The hemisphere on the left shows histochemical staining for cytochrome oxidase from a representative brain used to assist brain area identification. The hemisphere on the right is a coronal section of the template brain showing [14C]-2-deoxyglucose uptake. ROIs (yellow circles) are drawn near the approximate center of each domain. C, D ROI definition for SNr domains at bregma – 3.4 mm and GPe domains At – 0.8 mm according to Foster et al. (2021)(see also Fig. 9). Some domains too small in size were not included in this analysis. E ROI definition for PFC and motor cortex at bregma + 0.8 mm. White outlines are modified from the mouse brain atlas (Franklin and Paxinos 2008). F ROI definition for TH at bregma – 1.2 mm