Fig. 1. Dose-response relationships for the Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale.
A Dose-specific subjective effects of LSD measured with the Altered States of Consciousness Rating Scale, in which questionnaire items are organized into five factors, called ‘dimensions’ of altered states of consciousness experiences (5D-ASC). B A finer-grained quantification of specific aspects of subjective experiences is obtained when the questionnaire is analyzed according to the 11-factors schema. These 11 factors can be considered subscales of the three core dimensions of the 5D-ASC (see corresponding colors of the subscale names). Doses are given in microgram, as absolute doses not normalized to body weight; effects are given as the percentage score of the maximum score on each factor (questionnaire items were anchored with 0% for ‘No, not more than usual’ and 100% for ‘Yes, much more than usual’). Circle color indicates from which article the data was obtained; the same color of two circles indicates statistically dependent data. Circle size corresponds to the weight of a study based on study variance (see Methods). Radar charts present the estimated dose-responses for doses up to 200 μg. The color of individual scales corresponds to the primary dimensions and the respective subscales.