(A) Volumetric 3D power Doppler and (B) photoacoustic post-treatment images of PC3 xenograft tumors in vivo 24 h after treatments. For power Doppler imaging, colored overlays indicate 0–40 dB. For photoacoustic imaging, the blue and red color bar represents a relative ratio of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin levels, respectively. The scale bar represents 4 mm. Treatment conditions included untreated controls, 1% (v/v) microbubble and focused ultrasound exposure (USMB), (XRT, 8 Gy), and combined treatments (USMB + XRT). (C) Percent change in vascular index depicting diminishment in blood flow following combined treatment compared to control groups. (D) Percent change in oxygen saturation showing oxygen saturation reduction in combined treated group comparing control groups. Error bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM) [80].