Fig. 5. Diverse LCPs mediate intercellular signaling in streptococcus and enterococcus.
a Schematic representation of genetic elements in S. porcinus (sp) encoding ropBsp, LCPsp, and secreted cysteine protease speBsp. The ropBsp and LCPsp are divergently transcribed. The bent arrow above indicates the transcription start site of LCPsp. The numbers below denote the nucleotide positions relative to the first nucleotide of the start codon of speBsp. b The nucleotide sequence of the ropBsp-LCPsp intergenic region, coding sequence of LCPsp, and corresponding predicted amino acid sequence of LCPsp are shown. The ribosomal-binding sites (RBS) of LCPsp and RopBsp are marked by arrows. c Addition of synthetic LCPsp causes early induction of speB expression in WT S. porcinus. speB transcript levels were assessed by qRT-PCR and the fold change in speB expression relative to unsupplemented growth (reference) is shown. d Schematics of genetic elements in E. malodoratus (em) encoding ropBem, LCPem, and genes encoding putative T7 secretion system (T7SS) and cognate effector (T7SS-eff). The bent arrow above indicates the predicted transcription start site (PLCPem) of LCPem. The numbers below denote the nucleotide positions relative to the first nucleotide of the start codon of LCPem. e The nucleotide sequence of the ropBem-LCPem intergenic region, coding sequence of LCPem, and corresponding predicted amino acid sequence of LCPem are shown. The ribosomal-binding sites of LCPem and RopBem are underlined. f Addition of synthetic LCPem causes early induction of T7SS and T7SS-eff expression in WT E. malodoratus. Transcript levels were assessed by qRT-PCR and the fold change in gene expression relative to unsupplemented growth (reference) is shown. In c, f, data are derived from three biological replicates analyzed in duplicate and data graphed represent mean values ± s.e.m. P values in (c, f) were calculated by Kruskal-Wallis test. In (c), * - P = 0.0189, n.s not significant. In panel f, ** - P = 0.0015, n.s - not significant, whereas in (g), ** - P = 0.0049, n.s - not significant. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.