Table 1. Search strategy in PubMed.
Query | Results |
(dental caries[MeSH Terms]) OR ((Tooth remineralization [MeSH Terms]) OR (remineralization, tooth [MeSH Terms])) | 51,174 |
(Strontium [MeSH Terms]) AND (((“nano” [Journal] OR “nano” [All Fields]) AND (“durapatite” [MeSH Terms] OR “durapatite” [All Fields] OR “hydroxyapatite” [All Fields] OR “hydroxyapatites” [MeSH Terms] OR “hydroxyapatites” [All Fields])) AND (2012:2023 [pdat])) | 30 |
((“dentifrices” [Pharmacological Action] OR “dentifrices” [MeSH Terms] OR “dentifrices” [All Fields] OR “dentifrice” [All Fields]) AND (2012:2023 [pdat])) AND ((“dentifrices” [Pharmacological Action] OR “dentifrices” [MeSH Terms] OR “dentifrices” [All Fields] OR “dentifrice” [All Fields]) AND (2012:2022 [pdat])) | 2,457 |