AKG potentiated anti‐PD1 immune checkpoint therapeutic efficacy. A) Correlation of B2M expression with tumor purity and PD‐1 expression of tumor‐infiltrating immune cells obtained from TIMER (purity‐corrected Spearman test). B) Top: IHC staining of B2M (left) and PD‐L1(right) in KIRC tumors collected by us was performed. Bottom: Quantitative IHC analysis of correlation of B2M expression (n = 65) and PD‐L1 expression (n = 50). C) Average tumor volumes and weight of Renca tumor‐bearing Balb/c mice and B16‐F10 tumor‐bearing C57 mice D) treated with Rat‐IgG (n = 4), αKG (n = 6), or anti‐PD‐1(n = 5) monotherapy and combination therapy (n = 8 in the Renca murine model and n = 6 in the B16‐F10 murine model). E) Survival curves of Renca tumor‐bearing Balb/c mice and F) B16‐F10 tumor‐bearing C57 mice treated as indicated. Renca model: Rat IgG group (n = 6), αKG group (n = 6), PD‐1 group (n = 6), and combination group (n = 9); B16‐F10 model: Rat IgG group (n = 6), αKG group (n = 8), PD‐1 group (n = 8), and combination group (n = 9). G) Representative flow plots and quantification of tumor‐infiltrating CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in Renca tumors and B16‐F10 tumors treated as indicated (n = 4). H) Average tumor growth of B16‐F10 tumor‐bearing animals treated with Rat IgG, combination therapy, and α‐CD8 depleting antibody. I) Representative flow plots and quantification of PD‐1 expression on the intra‐tumoral CD8+ T cells from B16‐F10 tumor‐bearing mice treated as indicated (n = 8 for Rat IgG group, n = 6 for αKG group, n = 6 for anti‐PD‐1 group, n = 7 for combination group). J) Representative flow plots and quantification of IFN‐γ and TNF‐α co‐expression in the intratumoral CD8+CD45+ T cells of the αKG group and control group from Renca and B16‐F10 tumor‐bearing mice (n = 5 for Rat IgG group, n = 3 for αKG group, n = 4 for anti‐PD‐1 group, n = 6 for combination group). Error bars represent S.E.M. log‐rank (Mantel–Cox) test was used for (E) and (F). Two‐way ANOVA was used for (C), (D), (G), (H), (I), and (J). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, and ****p < 0.0001. Scale bars represent 1 cm for (C,D).