Detailed representation of the body restraint system and the PEEK headpost
(A) CAD drawing of the body restraint used in this paper and fully described in Gilbert et al., 2023.7 Initially secure the marmoset in the body restraint using the neck plate. Subsequently, depending on the size of the animal, place within the body restraint a back plate of variable size and close the tail plate. Finally, screw the clamp first to the head-post and secondly to the body restraint. Once the monkey is fixed, earphones (if necessary) or silicone earplugs to reduce the gradient noise during the fMRI sessions may be positioned.
(B) After the steps described in A, screw the two parts of the coil onto the dedicated slots in the frontal part of the body restraint.
(C and D) (C) Representation of the position and size of the head post applied on the marmosets’ skull. To fixate the animal’s head to the body restraint, position the clamp onto the head post, and then secure it with a PEEK screw, as shown in D. This procedure will draw the head post into the clamp, which can finally be secured to the body restraint. From ref.7 with permission.