Correlation of H5N1 inhaled dose with respiratory disease and outcome
Closed symbols are macaques that survived infection; open symbols are macaques that succumbed to infection.
(A–F) Graphs show relationship between inhaled virus dose (x axis) with (A) average elevation in body temperature; (B) maximum deviation in body temperature; (C) respiratory rate on day 1; (D) inspiratory time on day 1; (E) expiratory time on day 1. (F) shows the correlation in the percent change in day 2 respiratory rate (RR) and inspiratory time (Ti) using macaques from this study (blue circles) as well as the original pilot study (green circles); the solid line is the linear regression analysis and dotted lines show the 95% confidence intervals.
(G) logistical regression analysis of dose and outcome of aerosol H5N1 infection in macaques to determine the LD50.