What does being “sexually active” mean to you? How would you define it? |
“I’m not really sure how I guess I would define that…I don’t know.” P1, 22yo |
“Oral sex and intercourse is what I would consider sexually active” P3, 20yo |
“I would define it as sexually active like with a partner” P17, 18yo |
“Definitely like masturbation and…serious displays of affection between two people” P20, 26yo |
“It’s kind of more the emotional and mental part for me at least than the physical” P13, 21yo |
“as long as there’s no clothes involved, that’s sexual activity, but like touching…uh in areas is sexual activity as well, even through clothes” P11, 28yo |
“for me, I think um, it’s like a form of…excitement in a way.” P12, 19yo |