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. 2022 Jan 9;2022:9783128. doi: 10.34133/2022/9783128

Table 1.

Network coefficients used for NPH vs. non-NPH comparison. All coefficients included a weighted and a binary version, except for the network density.

Network coefficients Brief description
Density Fraction of present connections to possible connections
Clustering coeff. average Fraction of triangles (node’s neighbors that are also neighbors of each other) around a node (vertex connected to other vertices)
Transitivity Ratio of triangles to triplets (three nodes that are connected by either two or three ties) in the network
Network characteristic path length Average shortest path length in the network
Small-worldness Average path length of the network divided by the average path length of a random network with the same node and edge (connection between two nodes) count as the network being analyzed
Global efficiency Average efficiency (1/distance) between all sets of nodes
Diameter of graph Maximum eccentricity (maximal shortest path length between a node and any other node)
Radius of graph Minimum eccentricity
Assortativity coefficient Correlation of the degree (number of overall connections) of connected nodes
Rich k club, k=5,10,15,20 Fraction of edges that connect nodes of degree k or higher out of the maximum number of edges that such nodes might share