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. 2023 Sep 22;15:1033–1046. doi: 10.2147/CMAR.S417238

Table 1.

Frequency of Anorexiaa with TKI Treatment

TKI Phase Cancer Type Control Group Number of Patients, TKI/Control TKI Group Frequency of Anorexia, % Control Group Frequency of Anorexia, % Reference
All Grade Grade 3 or 4 All Grade Grade 3 or 4
Sunitinib 3 RCC Nivolumab plus ipilumumab 535/547 25 <1 14 1 Motzer et al41
3 RCC INF-α 375/360 44 2 39 2 Motzer et al42
3 pNET Placebo 83/82 22 2 21 1 Raymond et al43
3 GIST Placebo 202/102 19 0 6 1 Demetri et al44
Sorafenib 3 RCC Placebo 451/451 16 <1 13 1 Escudier et al45
3 HCC Placebo 297/302 14 <1 3 1 Llovet et al46
3 DTC Placebo 207/209 31.9 2.4 4.8 0 Brose et al47
Pazopanib 3 RCC Sunitinib 554/548 37 1 37 3 Motzer et al48
Axitinib 3 RCC Sorafenib 189/96 29 2 19 0 Hutson et al49
Regorafenib 3 GIST Placebo 132/66 20.5 0 7.6 0 Demetri et al50
3 CRC Placebo 500/253 30 3 15 3 Grothey et al51
3 HCC Placebo 374/193 31 3 15 2 Bruix et al52
Cabozantinib 3 RCC Everolimus 331/322 46 2 34 <1 Choueiri et al53
3 MTC Placebo 214/109 45.8 4.7 15.6 0.9 Elisei et al54
3 HCC Placebo 467/237 48 6 18 <1 Abou-Alfa et al55
Lenvatinib 3 DTC Placebo 261/131 50.2 5.4 11.5 0 Schlumberger et al56
3 HCC Sorafenib 476/475 34 5 27 1 Kudo et al57
2 RCC Everolimus 52/50 58 4 18 0 Motzer et al58

Notes: aIncludes decreased appetite.

Abbreviations: CRC, colorectal cancer; DTC, differentiated thyroid carcinoma; GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumor; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; INF-α, interferon alpha; MTC, medullary thyroid cancer; pNET, pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; TKI, tyrosine kinase inhibitor.